Chapter IV

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Always Forever - Cults

"Oh, my God," I heaved. I couldn't believe it. Trevor! Trevor, you're here. This has to be a dream. I'm seeing things. So much emotion was hitting me at once I didn't know how to function, I could barely stand up. My knees were locking.

     So many images went through my vision. I saw Trevor all bloody, I saw his gravestone, he isn't here right now, this has to be fake. Bella, wake up.

     "Bella..." Trevor breathed. He didn't seem nearly as shocked as me. Of course. He'd already seen me.

     "What the fuck," I said, breathlessly. That is all I could say. No words were forming on my lips. I looked him up and down, he definitely was real. He had scars on his face, specifically his cheeks, his lips, and his brow bones. He had been hurt but somehow survived. How is he not in prison? Was he here to turn me in?

     His arms came out, he was going to grab me, I flinched away instantly. "No, no," I reacted. His eyebrows narrowed confusedly. "I- You- You're going to turn me in, r-right?"

     "What the hell, Bella? No." His voice was tight. "I need time... This isn't h-happening... the fuck," I muttered under my breath. He stayed still as I kept quiet to myself, thinking about what was happening.

     "Bella, I'm real! The fuck are you waiting for?" Now he sounded angered. Why did he wait to find me? If he came to find me earlier so many tears would've never escaped my eyes.

     "Trevor, why?!" I burst suddenly. He staggered back, his hands held out in front of him. "Woah, what?" he questioned. "Why now? Why did you stalk me? Why couldn't you just... show up sooner?!" I was definitely taking my stress out on him.

     "Can we not do this right here right now, Bella?" He seemed a bit shocked at my frustration. "I'm so... I'm so tired, Trevor! I cried over you for months, thinking you were dead, and then now you just show up here, stalking me, acting like I wouldn't be heartbroken by your disappearance!" I yelled. My fists were clenched together.

     "Get in the car, Bella," he growled, opening his door. I stepped back, taking in rough breaths.

     I want to leave with you, Trevor. But I'm so confused and infuriated.

     "I need time, Trevor," I sighed excessively. He looked up to me from his probably stolen red car. "Time for what? It's now or never," he rumbled.

     "Can you just... wait for me at the front? I'll be out... soon," I stuttered. I was going to regret this.

     I paced away from the car, he began driving off, the rush of air from the vehicle hitting me and brushing my hair off my shoulders.

     Everyone stared at me as I walked back in, I aggressively marched over to the lobby from the cafeteria, I pushed the doors open and stopped in front of the front desk.

     "I'm leaving!" I barked, pushing folders off the desk, so many papers fell. The lady's jaw dropped, she yelled at me, I took off to the stairs to my room to get changed.

     Easton, I'm doing this for you. I'm leaving for you.

     I ripped my dress off and got on my usual jeans and t-shirt, I kept my jacket with me. I raced back down the stairs, pushing someone out of the way. It was probably a nurse. The glass doors opened automatically, I was outside now, I was free. I'm okay now. I smiled and rushed over to Trevor's car, he was waiting for me just like I told him.

     I got in and yelled at him to drive off, people were coming after me. The wheels spun out and we sped off quickly. My dad was the one who signed me up for that shitty hospital, I couldn't sign myself out, even when I'm an adult. That stupid shit put me through hell. It made me feel worse about everything. I can't even look my "dead" lover in the eye. Even after all of the crying I did over him.

momma please don't cry, i will be alright | trevor philipsWhere stories live. Discover now