Chapter IX

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Dead! - My Chemical Romance

The feeling of wanting to vomit increased greatly in the next few seconds. Charli, Dave, and Michael have all arrived to murder me and Trevor.

    "I wouldn't wait all day! The FIB is waiting for you," Charli shouted. So either they were going to kill us or they were going to turn us in. Michael probably made a stupid deal with Dave to not get him in trouble.

    "What do we do?" I freaked. "We go out there and fight! We aren't pussies," Trevor roared. But I was being a pussy. I am a pussy. This was giving me flashbacks to the bank robbery, how I had to shoot those innocent souls.

    My hand slipped down my dress, grabbing the pistol from my stomach padding. My heels were going to be a problem. Either I wear them and trip everywhere or I take them off and risk getting dirty and bloody feet afterward. I decided to take them off. I didn't care much about them anymore.

    Trevor clutched a gun he pulled out from his coat.

    "We don't go out there from the front door. We've got to sneak out through one of the back windows, then we sneak around to the front of the house and fire! Okay?" He explained. I nodded and swallowed hard, my palms beginning to sweat.

    My fight was definitely flight, but I had to do this. For me, for Trevor. For Michael's poor family.

    Trevor smashed a window from the kitchen and climbed out, I did too and ended up cutting myself on the shards. I kept quiet as I felt the pain. Trevor didn't even notice I was hurt. That's good, we couldn't waste time trying to heal my stupid cuts.

    I kept the gun in front of me, both of my hands locked around it. My finger was locked against the trigger.

    As we rounded the corner, the large headlights from the truck shined down on the ground. They were still waiting for us. I took a deep breath. All I could hear was my own heart. It was out of control. The anxiety I had could be the death of me.

    We stepped into the headlights and they instantly saw us.

    "Oh, hi friends!" Charli smiled, waving her gun in the air. Dave and Michael instantly drew their guns towards us.

    "You've made a big mistake, T. You are one giant mistake. So is your little tool," Michael scoffed. I licked my lips and gritted my teeth.

    "You and your little dealmaker aren't going anywhere with this. Killing us? Trapping us? What the hell will that do? It won't erase our past, Mikey, you fool," Trevor growled under his teeth, pointing his gun to Michael. Mine was at Dave's head.

    "And if you think bringing along that clown is going to solve our problems, it won't." Trevor looked up to Charli. She glared back at him, then to me.

    "Years and years ago I wanted you dead, T. You are an absolute maniac. A troublemaker. A psychopath. A killer," Michael yelled.

    "And so are you!" I jumped in. "Don't start," Trevor whispered in my ear. I didn't listen.

    "Killing your own family, Michael? What the hell is wrong with you?" I was so furious.

    "And killing your own mother is just okay?" Charli barked back. I froze, wondering how she even knew about that situation. I moved my gun to her. She giggled.

    "Pull the trigger, pussy." I had enough of her ugly face and attitude. I fired my gun, instantly hearing other shots. Trevor backed himself and me against the wall, hiding away from them.

    "I hope she's dead," Trevor encouraged. I smiled.

    "Stop hiding and show yourself right now!" Dave yelled.

momma please don't cry, i will be alright | trevor philipsWhere stories live. Discover now