Chapter V

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Sad Girl - Lana Del Rey


I saw it. I saw it all. You think I wouldn't? I saw you. Trevor, I saw you.

     You were stalking Bella. I figured out her name from the other times I saw you. Why were you stalking Bella? Are you just so desperate to see her but not to talk to her? I'm hiding behind a bush, no one has found me, how have you not found me? I've made it freakishly obvious. But I've been staring at you for hours, Trevor. Hours. I know what you're waiting for. I have Bella's schedule locked in my brain. At seven-thirty she will come out to take the garbage out.

     On top of that, you have a stolen vehicle. Me too, but why, Trevor? I know it's to make your stalking abilities less obvious but you're in trouble right now. But so am I. And this is why we are perfect for each other. This depressed girl is not perfect for you. She is ruining you, she is draining your soul away. Trevor, I will do so many maddening things with you. I love your evil personality. Bella is none of what I am.

     I promise you that.

     Just as I expected, the back door busted open and out stepped Bella with a black trash bag slumped over her shoulder. Her eyes were already directly on Trevor's car. She knew she was being stalked.

     Trevor, your plan flunked. You are a horrible stalker.

     Her walking was a bit slow, though. Like she was taking her time. She would normally never do that. She would throw the trash away and be done, but no. When she threw the bag away she slowly turned around to the car. Within a blink of an eye, she took off after Trevor. He started the engine in seconds and tried escaping. Idiot, he ran into a garbage can behind him. She was already on him, he couldn't escape. She had him.

     I heard yells, I was intrigued by what was happening. My heart dropped as the car door opened, there he was. Trevor got out and stood guilty in front of her. I couldn't see Bella's face but I knew she had a look of shock and anger. She was such a predictable person. It's a bit boring.

     Since they were farther away from me I couldn't make out a single word they were saying to one another. It was muffled. There were a few shouts, though. Trevor looked a bit terrified. How could someone like Bella scare him? She isn't scary. She is like a little puppy. A puppy I wanted to skin. She may be stale but I knew she was dangerous.

     Trevor got in the car and drove off. Bella stood there, looking confused and shocked. She ran back into the building. I needed to see where Trevor was going. I crept out from behind my hiding spot and ran to the front of the hospital. I peered from the corner before going behind a car. Trevor's red car was sitting still by the front. What was he doing? Stalking her some more?

     Trevor, you have to drive away. She'll find you again, and maybe even kill you.

     But then she came out through the front doors and got into Trevor's vehicle. What? I shouted in my head. People came out after her, like they were trying to get her. The car sped off and disappeared from my sight. They looked like nurses. I could hear them, I wasn't far from them.

     "She got away! We have to call the police," one said. Bella is getting in trouble finally. Good. "Who took her? We have to figure that out!"

     "Someone in a red vintage low rider."

     Once they went back inside I made my move. I punched the window of the black SUV I was next to and unlocked the car. The alarm was going off, I had to escape quickly. I couldn't do the wire trick quickly so I searched for a spare key. I opened the glove box and I found it right away. Why would you have your spare key in your car? Stupid idea, but that's what a lot of folks do in Los Santos. Some keys have a tracking device so even if their car was stolen they'd be able to find it. I was definitely being tracked but I would eventually just abandon this car.

momma please don't cry, i will be alright | trevor philipsWhere stories live. Discover now