Chapter X

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The thing is, life can give you so many obstacles. Ones with the shortest jumps, and ones with the longest jumps. Sometimes you will come across a long jump. What do you do? Jump with force or take it with caution? Sometimes you will come across two paths. It's a classic metaphor to being successful in life, but do you take the shorter path to success or the longer path with more hardships? I personally took the jump with caution and took the longer path. Look at me now...

    Sitting in a hot car with dried blood all over my face and my dress.

    I was extremely exhausted. At least I didn't feel as much pain as I did last night. My nose wasn't broken, thankfully. And my loss of blood stopped from a huge bandage over my nose. Trevor stole all the supplies from a local pharmacy by hiding everything in his shirt and going to the bathroom. Lucky him, there was a window to escape from. Going to a hospital would be our dead-end. We get caught, we are sent to prison.

    A little update on everything that happened.

    Michael burned to a crisp, Dave was shot in the head, and Charli died a painful death. There have been no suspects so far, meaning Trevor and I are still safe. Our names are unknown, except mine. My escape from the mental hospital is still pretty known. My dad must be really forcing my name and face to be known in the media. But at least the police don't know I killed Dave and Michael. The fingerprints on Michael were obviously burned. I'm sure they found some sort of print on Dave and Charli. If we stay away from trouble from now on we won't be caught. I don't plan on murdering anyone else.

    "Let me wrap this around your arm," Trevor said. I sat up in the leather seat and held my arm out to him. On my bicep was a cut from the shards of glass I went through. He had to pick out some pieces of glass, which hurt badly, but now I'm okay.

     He wrapped the white bandage around my arm, sealing it off. It felt tight but it made some pain go away.

    "How are you feeling?" I asked, forgetting about my issues. "I'm... fine. Yeah, fine," he replied quickly. "Are you sure? You got shot," I reminded him. His mouth pulled back, showing his teeth.

    "Bulletproof vest, remember?" he explained. "Right," I nodded.

    I looked out the window and glanced at the bright blue sky. The clouds hovered over us so delicately. It was just another typical nice day out in Los Santos. I took a deep breath, praying for the rest of my time to be safe and okay. I didn't want to get in more trouble. The ice was really thin for me now.

    "You want to steal the cash?" Trevor's voice distracted me. "Huh?" I questioned. "The cash. The cash you buried," he addressed.

    "Right, right. Yeah," I loosely agreed.

    We were going to take the cash in my backyard that I buried to leave Los Santos and go somewhere more peaceful. Paris, France. The home of romance. Trevor had called an agent and bought an apartment already for us. I was excited but also terrified. I've never gone out of the country, let alone as a criminal.

    But before any of that happened, we needed to make fake IDs and a passport. We had just the right person to do so.

    Lester. I haven't seen that man in a minute. We pulled up next to his house. Trevor handed me his big coat so it would cover my bloody dress. Lester would definitely question the bandage on my nose but we already had an excuse planned.

    Trevor knocked on his door. That old man took forever to answer. I noticed there was a camera in the corner of his porch.

    The door swung open and there he was with his cane and hunched back. He looked the same. The nerdy outfit, nerdy attitude.

momma please don't cry, i will be alright | trevor philipsWhere stories live. Discover now