He is Mine [> YiZhan One Shot <]

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By TrushaJi

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By TrushaJi

I have heard Man vs

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I have heard Man vs. Wild
but have you heard about Yibo vs. Feline?


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We have two contenders in this story. One is Yibo and the other is... Wait for it... Drum rolls... A CAT!

Both are competing for Xiao Zhan's affections and the question is, whom will Xiao Zhan choose?

Ah now I don't want to spoil that suspense for you! Read the short story.


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Keeping the flaws aside as you know what you need to work on, I will keep this review short and sweet.

Never knew a person could compete for another person's affection and their competition is going to be a cat.

Will the cat win? Yibo win? Ah... Don't let me spoil the fun, but it's hilarious to read the interaction.

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