My Evil Twins (MPreg) (+ 18) Completed

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Written by pricelessjew

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Written by pricelessjew

Written by pricelessjew

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This book made me sad. Why? Cause Xiao Zhan is tortured, raped and molested. Are you sad too?

 Are you sad too?

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Xiao Zhan and Xiao Sean are twins. Where Xiao Zhan is an angel, Xiao Sean is the devil's incarnation. They are two side of the same coin.

When the tormentor is your own twin, how do you suppose to escape from the hell hole?

My Review:

Maybe I needed to come with a disclaimer that, I generally don't prefer to read topics which contains Sexual Violence. Trust me, I deal with those topic on daily basis (for those of you who are wondering why? Cause I am a Lawyer and often, from child abuse to every other kind of sexual assault, I deal with them in courts) back to the review...

This broke my heart. I knew I was warned by the dear author, but I still took the bait and plunged into the deep waters only to feel sad.

Let me start by saying, the author could use an editors help to pace her sentence formation well. The story just lacks in the way the sentences are formed. They seem abrupt. If you could work on that, this book would definitely shine bright.

The coverpage is really good.

For those of you who are into angst and violence, this is the IT book. As for me, I am crawling to a corner of my room and still feeling sad. Call me when I feel better. Ciao.

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