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Shigaraki's POV

"hey shorty get up" Dabi said "I dont want to" I said "we have to go shopping so if you come I'll buy you pocky" Dabi offered, I jumped out of bed and started getting changed forgetting Dabi was still here I only remembered he was there when I turned around and seen Dabi starring at me.

At some shop near the base

We had just got all the things we neaded and Dabi stole 7 boxes of pocky " babe try not to eat all the pocky today" Dabi said "no promises" I said kissing him on cheek before running out of the shop. (shigarki and dabi are dating now).

"we're back" I yelled before opening a box of pocky "I'm putting the other six boxes in the top shelf so if you want a box just tell me" Dabi said taking the pocky boxes and putting them into the top shelf. "why do you like pocky so much anyway" Dabi asked "try one" I said taking one and handing it to him. "it's ok" Dabi said "here try this" I said bitting a pocky stick, kissing Dabi and moving the pocky from his mouth to Dabi's. "that tasted amazing" Dabi said causing me to blush "aww, so cute your blushing" Dabi teased "shh kurogiri's coming" I whispered before starting to help put everything away.

Dabi's POV

"what did you's get" Kurogiri asked "just usuasl things and I robbed a random box of a shelf, pocky for Mr. Handman and I got him one other thing" I said taking a packet of fruit flavoured chapstick out of a bag "I'm gonna kill you" Shigaraki yelled throwing a random empty packet at me. "what's in the box you robbed" Kurogiri asked "a phone" I said.

"hey what cha doin" Toga asked "playing a game on my phone" I said "how do you play" Toga asked "you shoot the targets then earn points to get new guns" I explained. "what are you two doing" Kuro asked "playing a game" Toga said "children" Shig scoffed as he walked over to the bar "anyone want a drink" Shig asked "I want Gin and Tonic" Toga yelled "I want a beer and Toga will have a coke" I yelled "alright" Shig said. "here" Shigaraki said handing us are drinks.

"hey babe come here for a sec" I said "whats up" shig asked walking over to me "Toga told me to tell you thay me, you, Twice and Toga are going for dinner at 6 so get your disguise ready it's already 5pm" I explained.

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