Tell Me You Joking

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Shigaraki's POV

"hey we're going out" Dabi yelled walking out of the base with Toga, Twice and Compress (there all in there disguises) "bye bye" I yelled back before turning to face Kurogiri who was cleaning the bar "should we have asked where they are going" I asked "no I'm sure there fine" he said and at that I decided to go back to bed.

I awoke to the sound of shouting and crying, I got up and headed down stairs "what's wrong" I asked totally oblivious to the situation at hand "I'm sorry shig" Toga cried then it hit me "where's Dabi" I asked growing concerned "I'm sorry Tomura they got him" Kurogiri said, I could see they were awaiting a tantrum but it never came instead tears came flooding down my cheeks "what happened" I asked between sobs "we were walking out of a cafe when Nighteye, Jeanist and Eraser ambushed us, Dabi yelled at us to leave but before we could say no they got him" Twice explained I was leave when Kurogiri said "Tomura before you go we found out that class 1-A, Eraser and Mic are going to another place kinda like the
U.S.J so we have a plan" Kuro said "what is it" I asked still crying slightly "we are gonna take Mic, Kuro will take him to a secret place and we will tell them they can have Mic if we get Dabi" Twice explained.

During The Attack

Kuro just took Mic so that was my que to step out "ok look this 1 time we don't want to hurt anyone we just want 1 thing, in exchange for Mic you give us Dabi" I said "why do you want him back I thought he was just a sacrificial pon to you and besides even if I could give you Dabi I would never give him to you" Eraser yelled "ok that's your choice but when I said we don't want to hurt anyone I never said we wouldn't" I threatened "oh and trust me Dabi is alot more to Shig than a pon" Toga teased "well then good bye for now" Compress said stepping into a newly opened warp gate "bye bye" Toga said skipping into the gate "you know what you would do to get Mic back I'd do double that for Dabi" I said walking into a gate. (Eraser and Mic are dating).

When I said we would hurt Mic I was bluffing we were all to sad to torture, Toga couldn't even pick up a knife without bursting into tears. "what do you want from me" Mic asked "we want Dabi and don't worry to much you'll stay here unharmed until we get Dabi they'll crack eventually and if they don't we'll tell them your slowly dying" Toga said.

Dabi and I may have been dating but he was like a brother to Toga, its been 2 weeks since they got Dabi and Toga hasn't watched the conjuring which is somthing her and Dabi would do every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday she also hasn't eaten toast because she used to make jokes about how Dabi reminded her of burnt toast. "hey Toga come with me" I said walking to the back of the building where we had a TV, this place was are backup hideout so we had things like beds and TV's here FWI we stole almost everything we own.
"so I know you like the conjuring but you won't watch it until we get Dabi so I know a similar movie that I thought you might want to watch" I said Toga started tearing up, she hugged me and said "yeah let's watch it" she choked out. I turned on a movie called Amityville ville horror. By the end of the movie Toga had loved every second and I had scared the shit out of myself when I saw a towel hanging on the bathroom door and thought it was a fucking ghost.

After a week of waiting we got a call from nighteye "did you finally come to your senses and decide to give us Dabi" I asked "no I was just calling to say we will find Mic" nighteye said "well by the looks of it you might find Mic but if you take longer than around 3 days you'll find him dead" I threatened, suddenly a lot of whispers were and after about 10 minutes of waiting midnight said "fine we'll give you Dabi if you give us Mic".


I didn't see much of what was going on I just sat behind a tree waiting for them to give us Dabi I heard a loud noise then a unmistakable voice said "Tomura is that you" I jumped up running over to Dabi and hugged him really tightly "I missed you" I said into his chest ignoring the fact that we were surrounded by hero's "I missed you too" He said kissing the top of my head "come on you have to go see Toga she was really anxious about this hole plan and she really missed you" I said dragging him threw a warp gate, once we all left threw the gates we put Mic threw one.

The second we got back to the bar Toga shot up from the couch and dart over to Dabi indulging him into a hug...

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