CHAPTER 5 What is the profile of Mexican politicians?

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What is the profile of Mexican politicians? Why are Mexican politicians so deceptive? Why is there such a high level of insecurity, migration, and unemployment in Mexico?


(Background/ Participation in Mexican Culture/ Future)


Politicians have always been present in all societies, and from the beginning their behavior has been determined by their taste for power and the way they follow the teachings or orders of their leader.

In Mexico, the Political Subculture began with Spanish Colonization. In those days politicians only objective of the politicians was to obtain the recognition of the Spanish court, a blurred concept that had to do with the possibility that the queen or the emperor had news of their good deeds. For that, the first thing was to become a public official, and that was not easy. The applicants had to buy their allowances and in order to present an offer they had to belong to families of good reputation.

During the Colony this Subculture was integrated by Peninsulars, criollos, and legitimate half bloods, although the latter were not eligible for top positions.

When the independence of Mexico, during the reign of Agustín I, things did not change, after that the Spaniards and the Creoles disappeared from public office, and the half bloods took power.

One hundred years latter, the huge social outbreak that was the Mexican Revolution, gave friends and relatives of military leaders access to public office, giving birth to the current political class.

This political class from the beginning is almost completely mestizo, has as many leaders as participants, because they are all leaders and followers at the same time. They convert everything that their leaders say and do, into pristine guidelines and examples of justice.

The unwritten rule requires total submission to the leader.


This subculture influences all Mexicans and is the backbone of the Political Class that originated when the revolutionary leaders became public officials. It has been in power for almost a hundred years.

The aforementioned continuity derives from the way in which Mexican politicians have twisted history to justify their presence.

So, we are going to review the case of the twisted story that I consider the most successful that the government has implemented.

This was an implementation to explain how Venustiano Carranza enters history as a patriot, becomes a tyrant, is persecuted and murdered as a thief, and is finally anointed as a hero who shares credits with his murderers.

In 1913 Carranza launched a war to overthrow Victoriano Huerta and from 1914 to 1917 became Provisional President, then held the Presidency of the Republic from 1917 to 1920.

In 1919 he decided that his successor in the presidency he must be a civilian, not a military man, and he appointed Ignacio Bonilla, his ambassador in Washington, as the candidate of the official party.

Alvaro Obregon, the general who lead Carranza army to overthrow Huerta, made an alliance with Plutarco Elías Calles (friend and comrade in arms) to overthrow Carranza.

The manifesto they launched was the "Plan de Agua Prieta", that reads:


I. That the sovereignty of the Nation is the property of the people: and that the power of government officials is granted by the people and is only a partial delegation of sovereignty made by the people...

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