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yeon narae pov

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yeon narae pov


Before we knew it, the floor underneath our feet opened and suddenly we were plunging into darkness. I couldn't find the air to scream. Instead, I braced myself and covered my mouth, squinting my eyes, not daring to look where we were landing. 

Jisung and I expected a hard, painful landing that would take our lives away in a second, but when I opened my eyes, I found myself in a net hanging from the ceiling. Jisung looked bewildered but confused.

"Wh-what? I swear that we were just falling down towards our death, why are we...?" Jisung looked around him in confusion.

"Illusions," I concluded. "The 1:27 are magical. Doyoung, Taeyong's sidekick, disappeared in a cloud of mist when he captured Jaemin. Taeyong just opened the floor and we thought we were going to die. I'm pretty sure we were actually falling, Jisung. It was all an illusion."

The current position that I was in was quite uncomfortable. I was stuck in a net and my legs were folded straight in front of me. I wasn't always the most flexible person in the world, and this caused me an agonizing pain.

"Ah...!" I whimpered as I tried lowering my legs down. "Dammit, legs, work for me this one time, would'ya?" I turned to Jisung, embarrassed, but something about him didn't feel right. It was a different aura from the Jisung I saw a couple minutes ago.

Jisung looked solemn. His eyes were a slight grey and hollow. His entire face looked strange, actually. Whenever he stared at me, it was as if he was staring right through me. His face was unnaturally pale and his movements were very slow yet sharp. 


He jerked his neck sharply as he whipped around to face me. His eyes were horrifying. They were rolled back and you could only see his whites. His entire body was shaking and trembling, as if he was having a seizure. 

"Jisung! Wh-what?" Fear started crawling up my spine like spiders. This was weird. It was wrong. 

"You really thought I was Jisung, didn't you?"

Jisung was talking, but his lips weren't moving. It was like his thoughts were being transferred to my mind.

"You really fell for it, didn't you?"

"How pathetic of a detective. You're only an amateur."

Suddenly, the atmosphere around me was like the atmosphere back at the Sanguis Forest. With a trembling voice, I spoke up, "J-jisung! Tell me, what's going on?"

"You said these were all illusions, didn't you?"

"Well, guess what, it's all real, Yeon Narae. You can never defeat the 1:27. Ever. They have everything. You have none. You will die without freeing Jaemin and his friends, turning in the 1:27, and you'll definitely die with all these regrets. You would be a perfect fit to be one of our Messengers, don't you think?"

"Shut up! Jisung, I know that whoever is talking through you is not you, and I need you to get a control of yourself-" I smacked my head. He's being possessed, why am I telling him to get a hold of himself? "This is not the real Jisung, I know it."

"You say that, but what if the Jisung you were talking to while in the cells was actually just a demon? What if you were just socializing with one of our members in Jisung's body form? What if he's actually dying right now and you're just being naive and only thinking that Jisung is possessed? Open your eyes, Narae. Not everything you think is right."

"After all, you're only an amateur detective. And we're the all-powerful 1:27."

With those last words, Jisung flopped down, nearly lifeless, and the atmosphere fell back to normal.

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