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"Na Jaemin!" The booming voice of my commander, Chief Jeon, made me jump out of skin and salute him right away. 

"Yes, sir!" I answered, my voice confident and strong.

"We have a rookie here with us today," Chief Jeon smiled as he showed me the younger boy, who looked around a couple years younger than I was. He was tall and skinny, and had a mousy face. "Show him around the building, teach him the basics." 

I looked at the boy in confusion. He looked awfully familiar, and that's when it hit me. "Park Jisung?"

Jisung looked at me with sparkling eyes. "Jaemin hyung! I knew you would recognize me!"

"Since when did you want to join the police?" I chuckled, reaching up to ruffle his head. He was a few centimetres taller than me now. The last time I saw him, he was still puny and small. 

"I wanted to follow you," Jisung grinned. "I want to be like you, hyung. And now I'm here!"

I laughed heartedly. "You chose the right path," I led him down the hallway. "Let me show you around a bit, then we can go head out for some coffee. I know a good place nearby."

"B-but I don't drink coffee...?" 

I looked at the younger boy in horror. "You don't drink coffee? What?" I sighed. "Then I'll get you some chocolate milk or something, you fetus." 

"I am not a fetus." Jisung protested, pouting.

"Oh, yes you are!" I squealed, pinching his cheek. 


"Iced americano with six espresso shots, please," I told the cashier at the counter. "Oh, and a chocolate milk for the fetus." Jisung scowled at me, nudging me in the shoulder. 

"Name?" The woman looked slightly alarmed by my heavy drink, but I ignored it, as always. 

"Jaemin, thank you." I took the receipt and left the line to wait at the end of the counter, Jisung following me close behind.

"So how have you been?" I asked the younger with sympathetic eyes.

"I should be asking you that," Jisung said with a bitter smile. "Hyung, have you been holding up okay?"

I sighed and stuffed my hands into my police uniform pockets. "Could've been better, if I can be honest. It was a wild ride of emotions for the first year, but I'm doing fine now," I looked back at the taller male. "You?"

"I miss Narae noona," Jisung pouted, orbs of sorrow lingering in his eyes. "I only knew her for two days, really, maybe even less, but it seemed like we bonded well during that short time. She had faith in me and believed that we would get out no matter what."

I bit my lip, nodding. "She was one passionate young woman," I smiled sadly. "We could have prevented her death, if I had just pulled her out the window with me."

Jisung shook his head. "No, there was no way we could have. Narae noona never side tracks from her decisions. Once she makes a choice, there's no turning back."

I hung my head low as I watched the baristas prepare our drinks. "I guess you're right."

"For...Jaemin?" The barista looked at us, then smiled sweetly. "Iced americano and a chocolate milk."

"Thank you very much," I took my cup, then gave Jisung his milk. "You're like what, nineteen? Twenty? And you still don't drink coffee?"

Jisung looked at my hellish drink in distate. "Coffee is too bitter and just...blah."

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