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third person pov



"Change of plans!" Lee Taeyong's hollers echoed throughout the chambers and all the men stood at attention. Bodies tense, blood cold. "Unfortunately, our journey to Aurum City has been fucking delayed," he continued spitefully. "The reason being is that we have a couple prisoners on our hands. A lovely female detective, a naive little boy that resembles a mouse, and a foreign boy, I believe, who is Chinese."

Jeno and Renjun's bodies tensed up. They knew that their captain was talking about Jisung and Chenle. They had no clue who the female was, however. 

"We cannot leave without the prisoners detained in their cells. Who know what trouble they may cause?" Taeyong's icy, unfriendly voice viciously slithered down the floors and walls like a serpent. "With that being said, we have two options. Execute them by tomorrow, at dusk, or take them with us to Aurum and execute them later. Doyoung and I are sharing some doubts about which option to take."

Doyoung stepped out beside Taeyong, face serious and solemn.

"Until we make a proper decision set in stone, I don't want any horseplay. This is war, men. This is revenge! We came together to pay back for those who hurt us, didn't we? If that's why you're here, show it! Spill the blood, ruin those who ruined you! They'll never learn!" 

Savage shouts of agreement reverberated through the chambers as the 1:27 held up their clubs and knives with fury.

"That's what I like to see!" Taeyong smirked and turned his heel, Doyoung following close behind.

As soon as Taeyong and Doyoung left, Jeno turned to Renjun, his puppy-like eyes morphing into the eyes of an empty, hollow, depressed person. "What are we going to do? He's going to slice them apart!"

Renjun shook his head. "I don't know. They'll find a way."

The two younger males looked around their surroundings nervously. All around them were men sharpening knives, sparks flying from the blades. They all wore solemn yet savage expressions and it was like the word "REVENGE" was painted on their foreheads.

"Hey! You two!" Jaehyun and Ten's voice brought Jeno and Renjun's attention. "We're going to show you around." When the two younger males looked up, they spotted Jaemin trailing behind, looking really annoyed.

"Show us what? We're going to Aurum anyway." Jaemin spat sourly. 

Jaehyun sighed, then slapped Jaemin in the face. "Would you just shut up and stop complaining?" Pain struck Jaemin's face like lightning, and his expressions twitched madly. "Going to Aurum or not, you're stuck here! Forever! I don't fucking care what kind of position you had while in Sanguis, but here, you're only a rookie! I'm a senior and you must respect me."

When Jaemin touched his cheek, he felt blood. 


The word alone brought sickness to his stomach and anger pulsing through his veins. All he could think of when he heard the word "blood" was his own parents, collapsed on their living room floor, drowning in their own blood. Gurgling breathing, severe pain like a chainsaw entering your abdomen, knife to the head. These were the only thoughts that Jaemin thought of. He also thought about himself, crying himself to sleep when he realized that his friends were gone and his parents dead. He remembered how he plunged a knife to his skin and ripped it apart, tears blurring his vision and blood dripping from his forearms. The dark, gloomy thoughts that hit Jaemin like a train would fill his mind every night and all he wanted was revenge.


Without even thinking, Jaemin threw his fist into Jaehyun's face. He didn't care if he was a senior or not. All he wanted to do was to rip the flesh of the people that killed his most treasured parents and took away his only friends. He wanted to suck the lives out of the men that made his life horrible and warped others' lives into a never-ending abyss. All he could see now was red, and his fingers were twitching. It was like his mind was separated from his body and he couldn't control his actions at all. It was as if he was a pure psychopath.


The word buzzed in his mind as he continued marking Jaehyun with force-filled punches and kicks. Screams echoed from his throat and tears were streaming down his scarred face. "I'm stuck here forever? I'm the one stuck here forever? I know damn well what it's like to be stuck in something you can't get out of! For three years, Jaehyun! Three whole fucking years! I cried myself to sleep and couldn't erase the image of my own parents swallowing their own blood on the floor, their lives on a thin line, the line that you monsters cut! You took away everything from me! You took my friends away and I was lonely for so long, I started talking to the wall, Jaehyun! If you think I'm going to stay in this damned terrorist organization for the rest of my life, the one that ripped everything from me and stripped me clean, leaving me with my own scars, then you're just fucking wrong! You call me a psychopath, a pain in the ass, but clearly, you're the ones that destroyed all of Sanguis! And nothing is going to stop me from killing every single one of you until there's no trace left of you!"

Jaemin stopped, breathing heavily and blood staining his knuckles. Tear-stained cheeks, piercing lungs, broken heart. That's what was composed of him at the moment and all he wanted was to end it all already. He wanted to kill himself so that no one would have to remember the rookie detective that failed his own hometown. He would be able to float among the dead souls and not care about anything anymore.

Jaehyun lied there, groaning and masking his wounds with his veiny hands. Then, he chuckled. "Jaemin, I said that I was sorry that I ever joined the 1:27, didn't I? But here you are, ranting and hitting your senior in the face. What did you scream about? Revenge. Bloodshed. Death. You wanted all of those things to happen, don't you? If so, you're no better than the rest of us." Jaehyun's soft eyes turned icy cold and turned Jaemin numb. "You call us psychopaths, Jaemin, but really, you're one of us."

Everyone was staring at the scene.

"You're no different."

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