Chapter 1 : Reunited

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{In the end, let is come as Allah wrote for you, perhaps it will come as your heart desires}

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{In the end, let is come as Allah wrote for you, perhaps it will come as your heart desires}

|Ameera Binte Ahmed|

It takes 10 times longer to pull yourself back together then it does to fall apart.

I watched the sunrise from my balcony as I reflected back on the events from my past. A lot has changed over these past few years, including myself and I've changed so much during this period, so much so that I can hardly recognize myself in the mirror. I dragged myself back into my bedroom and slowly made my way into the bathroom.

Todays sunrise was something else SubhanAllah, and Alhamdulillah for witnessing another day

I quickly freshened up and changed into a baby blue abaya with white Nike sneakers and a white chiffon scarf. I took my phone from my night stand where it was charging and made my way downstairs to where ummi (mother) was seated at the dining room.

I hugged ummi and gave her a small peck on her cheek and sat down on my orignal spot.

"Ummi darling, how was your sleep?" I asked as I poured myself a cup of chai (tea).

"I barely slept hayati, the case that I've been working on for the past 2 weeks, the hearing for it is today. Make duaa it goes well," she replied with a soft yawn.

"It'll go well ummi, afterall it's you," I gave her a small wink and we both burst out laughing.

"Ummi, wheres your other 2 children and wheres abba?"

"My other two children are still snoring in bed, whilst your father went to Ohio for a business meeting. He left before fajr," she yawned once again, "Also abba left you and Safaa a bouquet of rose's in the living room, don't forget to take your bouquet."

Abba always gets Safaa and I, a fresh bouquet of flowers on mondays and fridays, I honestly love that he treats me like a princess even at this big age. I gave her a huge smile before giggling softly.

I poured her a cup of hot tea, "Ummi, heres another cup of tea. It's hot be careful but hopefully it helps you get some energy. You honestly look like a walking zombie," she gave me a small smile and pulls my left cheek making groan in annoyance as she always does this, "Ummiiiiiii," I whined like a 5 year old.

"I'll go wake Shaveer up, he needs to go to the office because I got university to go to otherwise I'd go. Someone has to be in charge and make sure everything is working smoothly," I uttered, breaking the silence between us. She gave me a small nod as she scribbled something down on the paper infront of her.

I made my way to elevator and went back to the 3rd floor. I knocked on Shaveer's door and got no response so I walked in, he was snoring peacefully just like ummi said.

Just then I got a devilish idea. I internally smirked and walked into his bathroom. Filled a bucket with water and tiptoed to his bedside.

"3, 2, 1" I whispered before I dumped the entire bucket of cold water on his sleeping body. Immediately a girly scream was heard.

"Whose gonna marry a guy who got a girls scream," I thought to myself before I rolled my eyes.

"Ameera Ahmed Amin what the Jahannam is wrong with you? Is this how you treat your older brother?" He glared at me with darkened eyes.

"Nope but I sure do know for a fact that you should be more responsible than your younger sister. You should know that abba is gone on a business trip out of town and by now you should have already been in the office," I lectured him whilst her just rolled his eyes, "sleep with your eyes open Ameera, I'll show you what it feels like," he said before grumpily walking off to the bathroom.

I went to Safaa's room next, shes the youngest one. Safaa is in her final year of school and is the most spoilt one in the entire house as shes the baby of the house. 

I sat besides her sleeping figure and creased her head softly, "Safaa hayati, time to wake up. It's your first day of senior year. You dont wanna be late isnt it," I spoke in a gentle tone.

"Hmmm" she hummed with her eyes still closed. "I'm up Meera, be down in 10," she said before turning the other way around and falling right back to sleep.

I dragged her duvet off and immediately heard a groan, "Get uppppppppp!!!" I yelled and her sleeping figure set up immediately.

Safaa and I had a 5 year age gap whilst Shaveer and I got a 3 year age gap. Shaveer is 25, I'm 23 and Safaa is 17 turing 18 soon.

I made my way back downstairs and saw that ummi had left already so I went to garage and picked the Mercedes to drive myself to university.

Putting on my bluetooth earbud, I called my sister from another mother before I drove off. University is approximately half an hour away from my house, and an hour and a half if theres traffic.

"Asslaamualaykum love," she answered from the the other side and spoke before I could even greet her.

"Walaykumsalaam, how far are you?" I asked

"Oh me? I'm already here waiting for you to show up. You forever late," I could feel her roll her eyes at me even though I can't see her.

"I'm never late, you always early," I replied with a smirk not like she can see me.

"Yeah yeah I can see that," she hung up after saying that. How rude.

I then connected my phone to the speakers of my car and let surah Yasin play softly. In no time I reached my campus and saw Zainab sitting under a tree whilst she read a book. She was so intrested in that book that she didn't notice me sit down next to her.

"Zainab darling, do you have time for me?" I asked glaring at her

"Of course stupid, I haven't seen you for so long," she leapt forward and gave me a tight hug, "I missed you so much habibti, I really did and words can't express how much I missed you,"

She went on a family reunion trip and we didn't see each other for ages. It's been the longest that we've been apart from each other. She's my other half, I honestly think life would be so different and terrible without this woman right here.

She pulled away and wiped her teary eyes. Oh my heart, shes so naive and pure, May she always be like this. This world is unkind to alot of people and it changes them for the worse but with Zainab she kept becoming a better person when life kept slapping her with the worst.

"Oh No! Ameera we late, and the worst part is that our classes are on the opposite ends of the campus. You going to the east wing I'm going to the west wing. I'll see you at 11 after my class ends," she gave me a quick hug and ran off and I grabbed my stuff and ran the opposite way.



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