Chapter 3 : First Encounters

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{And it hurts so much to want something you can't have}

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{And it hurts so much to want something you can't have}

|Zaidaan Bin Umar|

Sipping on my cappuccino whilst gazing at the light drizzle of rainfall that touches the concrete pavement below my balcony. All wild thoughts hit my head. Such as, "Where had my mother and twin dissapeared? What state are their in? Are they even alive? Will I ever meet them again? Will I ever get to hug my mamma and give her a forehead kiss?"

Just thinking of all that made my blood boil. He took them away from me. He took my mother and twin away from me. He took the only people I loved purely away from me. He made me hate Islam. He saw my happiness and decided to snatch it away and I'll never forget that. I'll never pray to Him again. Never, not until my mother and twin come back to me in one piece, safe and sound.

I grabbed my keys and went to my car where my driver than drove me to my office.

Turning off my good face, putting my mean face on. I learnt it the hard way. People don't listen until you are 10 times meaner and that's what got me to the top.

Walking into the building everything went pin drop silent, I could sense the fear in atmosphere whist my employees greeted me with whispers as I walked pasted them. Their heads facing downwards not daring to look up to me. This is what helps me run my company smoothly and peacefully, leaving no space for mistakes.

I entered my personal office and immediately rolled my eyes at the sight of Hamid (Ha-meed) laying on my couch watching a movie on my phone.

"Are you serious right now?" I asked with annoyance in my tone. "Sirus Black? No I'm Hamid, nice to meet you" he set up and put forward his hand to which I ignored and sat down on my comfortable chair.

I took a sip of my coffee that was already waiting for me on my desk whilst I glared at Hamid angrily wanting him to get out.

"Mr Shah I do not appreciate you been in my office daily especially since you got an empire to take care of as well, so I'd appreciate if you leave," I spoke in a formal tone to irritate him.

"Zaidaan (zay-daan), do you wish for an early death?" He shoots daggers at me and I completely ignore it and take another sip of my coffee, "Well I am staying. You can't kick me out," he says and goes back to the same position he was in when I first entered.


"Zaidaan." He asked in the same tone I called him.

"How long have we been friends for?" I asked quietly.

"Since kindergarten," he replied without shifting his focus from his phone.

"So like what- 19/20 years of our friendship?" I asked

"20," he corrected me

"Damn how did we get so old?" I asked with a soft smile.

"You remember on the first day, you found a raw chicken egg and threw it on Sam the bully? He wanted to feed you sand for doing that so I fed him sand instead and we instantly became best buds," he says whilst he wiped an imaginary tear. He's so dramatic for goodness sake.

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