Chapter 2 : A New Friend

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{What hurts you today, makes you stronger tomorrow}

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{What hurts you today, makes you stronger tomorrow}

|Ameera Binte Ahmed|

I cannot be late for this class, exams are start soon and I'll be doomed if I miss out information, at this point my only option is to run so I ran.

Whilst running, I bumped into someone really hard which caused both of us to fall backwards. Oh no I'm definitely going to be late late now and Mr Dyzn is so grumpy, he won't give me the notes nor am I friends with anyone in that class. Now I'm definitely finished, completely doome-,"Are you okay?" A girls voice snapped me out of my thoughts making me realise that I'm still on the floor. I look up towards the girls voice.

She had pale skin, hazel brown eyes and a beautiful smile Masha'Allah. She was wearing a beautiful abaya. Looks so elegant and prett- "Are you okay? Do you have a concussion? Do you need water?" She once again interrupted my thoughts.

I gave her a small smile and nodded my head sideways indicating a no. She than gave me a hand and helped me get up.

"Are you, by chance, a new student here?" I asked out of curiosity to which she nodded. There arent many Hijabi's at my university that's how I knew that she was new, seeing her here today made my heart so happy, "My name is Nabeela, this whole situation was so awkward, can we start over," she looked at me nervously, I could tell she was extremely anxious.

"Yeah of course, well Nabeela my name is Ameera, and I'm a 5th year student here. How about you? 1st year?" I asked whilst picking up my belongings from the floor.

"No no, I'm a 5th year student as well, I was in Dubai all this time. My brother brought me back here because that idiot was missing me. He thought it would be a good idea for me to finish my degree here in LA, which is also our home town," she gave me a soft smile

Oh no, I forgot about class I'm so late Oh Allah I really hope my professor is absent or I'm so dead, "Nabeela I am extremely late for class, do you need help with finding the reception?" I asked with a rushed look.

"No its alright, we actually have the same class, I saw your schedule when you dropped it. If the professor is there already, you can just say you were showing me around because I asked, that way you won't get into trouble nor will he or she shout,"

"Great idea, let's rush before Mr Dyzn has my head as I got a histroy of late coming," I giggled softly before we both rushed to class


"The look on his face when he realized that he couldn't scold me was so epic, Mr Dyzn does not like me he's the racist kind. I'm a 100% sure I heard him mutter 'bloody hell, here comes another terrorist' under his breath when he saw you," I rolled my eyes

"Who cares what some old white guy has to say about us, we both know that Islaam is a beautiful religon and it has no place for violence," she scoffed

"So true, my best friend Zainab is probably waiting for me outside campus. Do you want to join us?" I asked

"I mean, if it's okay with both of you. I don't want you to feel forced to hang out with me just because I'm new," she replied nervously.

"What nonsense, Zainab's going to be so happy to meet you. Shes a social butterfly unlike me and you are an amazing person, why do you think I got along with you so easily," I gave her a small nudge and dragged her to Zainab's and I's spot outside campus.

As we got closer to Zainab, she was on her phone typing away furiously. She had a small frown and angered eyes. I wonder who got on her bad side now.

"Zainab you okay?" I asked softly

"Your brother," She replied with frustration in her voice

"What did he do now," I asked with pure annoyance, "Is your phone dead? Did you not get all the notifications?" We got a group on whatsapp, it got Zainab, Shaveer and I on it because us 3 monkeys grew up together.

"I think my batterys dead, what did he do though?" She looked at me and let out a small sigh before saying, "He said that I've put on weight and I look like a fat elephant and that no guy will ever marry me," she pouted

Oh Allah, Shaveer is such a mean person, he can say the stupidest stuff to her over text but these last 8 months, he can barely talk to her in person without stuttering because he developed a crush on her. Meanwhile our darling Zainab has always liked Shaveer even though she hasn't admitted it but lately she's also been stuttering. It's an epic view to watch.

"You know he doesn't mean that love," I say softly and she nods before she whispers, "It hurts my little heart every time he says stuff like this. It makes me so insecure about myself,"

"I know hayati, I know," I pulled her into a hug which was than cut short by a small sneeze.

Oh shoot, I forgot Nabeela was here. We both turned towards her and I gave her a small awkward smile, "Zainab meet Nabeela, Nabeela meet Zainab," I introduced both of them and they immediately started chit chatting which was a relief.

"I'm proud of you kiddo. You finally made a friend who isn't me," she patted my head softly, "Zainab! I'm a year younger than you! Don't call me a child," she rolled her eyes and smiled widely.

"I want Starbucks," I groaned feeling left out

"Let's go then," Zainab said and all 3 off us went to our cars and drove to the Starbucks where Zainab and I always went to.

After we got there and ordered the drinks we wanted, Nabeela told us that she was in Dubai for a long time now due to some family issues meanwhile her father, mother and older brother have always been here in LA.

She alsp told us her father owns Sumani & Co Company which is one of the biggest companies here in California and one of Abbas good patners.

We talked some more before Nabeela got a call from her brother and she had to leave so Zainab and I left as well.

I came home and took a 2 hour nap after Zuhr as its sunnah to nap after Zuhar.

I later got up, freshened up and went for a walk. I saw down by the pool with my feet dipped in and read my book until Ammi called me in to help prepare dinner. Ammi always makes dinner with her own hands as she says she makes it with loads of love so theres always barkat in the food and then it can be given away to those in need.

There was no drama today, indeed it was a calm peaceful day for which I was extremely grateful for. I really hope it's like this everyday but I know it's impossible because drama and trouble is our middle..



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