Chapter 4 : Glimpse Of the Past

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{This dunya isnt worth loosing your Deen and morals for}

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{This dunya isnt worth loosing your Deen and morals for}

|Ameera binte Ahmed|

"Who does he think he is? How could he just hug me like that? You know Zainab, I almost shot him in a public space do you know how much trouble I could have gotten in if someone saw!?" I yelled out of frustration after Nabeela left.

I carry a gun for safety purposes, my father is a well known man with a fair share of enemies.

"I know my love, mistakes happen. Let it go," she advised

"You are such a sweet person, do you know that?" I gave her soft smile amd immediately went back rambling about the stranger I ran into, "How dare he hug me? Who does he think he is? UGHHH" I let out a frustrated sigh.

"You have said that a million and one times already, leave him Meera," she rolled her eyes as we walked down the stairs to our cars.

''May you allow me to rant for once or do you want to be logical like Shaveer all the time?" I groaned in pure frustration as she looked away to hide her pink cheeks at the mention of my brother. Shes totally whipped isn't she?

"Lets go home, amma must be waiting for you and I'll get to surprise her," she changed the topic immediately and yes she calls my ammi her amma because we grew up together.


Zainab is reading salah in the prayer room whilst Im in the kitchen making a quick snack for the both of us as we going to go sit in the garden and read Qur'aan and do a bit of tafseer.

It is one of our weekly habit where we sit and read a portion of the Qur'aan and then pounder over its meaning and learn from it.

Its the peace that you find in such moments, the heart longs for the remembrance of Allah almighty. Always remember to spend a few moments daily remembering the Creator who created both you and I alongside this entire dunya (world)


"Ummi, you know you missed your 3rd daughters visit today. You were so engrossed in your cases that you came home now-" I was cut off immediately by a dramatic gasp, "Zainab was here??? And you didn't call me???? I haven't seen my child in agessss!!! Ameera Ahmed Amin, my eyes have been longing to see my bacha (baby) for weeks and you let her go before I could see her?" she scolded me

"Mother dearest, if you so fond of her, go to her house and seek her hand in marriage for your deerest son. Its about time this finally happens," everyone in my family knows of Shaveers feelings towards Zainab and we all usually tease him regarding that.

"Shav, what say, should I talk to your abba?" my mother teased him with a giggle and he immediately got defensive, "No im still young, leave me alone," he glared at me before finishing the food on his plate and abruptly rushing off saying he needs to prepare for a presentation.

"Ummi, I ran into a muslimah at university today. She was so pretty so calm, down to earth and is in the same lecture halls as me. Her name is Nabeela Sumani and she fit in so well with Zainab and I, its like we were meant to be a trio Alhamdullillah but-" I trailed off thinking of the events that took place earlier on today.

Safa snaps me out of my thoughts,"But what?"

"Ummi promise you won't get mad?" I glanced at her with a guilty smile and small laugh, "What happened hayat, you seem to be bothered, and Im a cool mum I rarely get mad," she scoffed.

"So when we went for lunch, Nabeelas brother pulled me into a hug from behind and I punched him and pointed my gun at him-" I looked at her nervously before she could respond I added, "Don't get naraz (angry) you cannot possibly blame me ummi, you know what happened when I was 16, and the events that followed afterwards were ugly and to this day I'm still on edge because of what took place,"

I sighed, "I got really frightened and did what I thought was best for my safety. Please don't get upset at me for pulling my gun out in public. I know the rules abba set and I'm following them through thoroughly-" I got cut off by mother standing up and making her way towards me. She pulled me into a bear hug and told me it's okay and she understands my trauma.

"No one is going to find you Ameera. Your father, brother and anyone who tries will be dead and long gone before they can even get a wiff of your presence and that's my promise to you," I sobbed uncontrollably when I heard those words whispered into my ears.

I want to be rescued but not at the expense of my familys safety. My family may be dangerous but this guy managed to kidnap me under high security, he seems dangerous enough to fulfill his promise.

He banged my head on the cement wall really hard and within seconds everything went dark...

"Meera lets get you upstairs into bed, you seem to be coming down with a fever. I'll get Cassy to bring up medication and something cold to eat," Ummi's words had pulled me out of my flashback and I made my way to the elevator, I didn't have any energy to take the stairs back up.

The last thing I want is for my parents to worry for my survival so I'll have to be brave and face my demons on my own. Not everyones lucky to have what I have, besides my Allah is All-Knowing and will never let me down.

I collapsed onto my bed as my ummi made sure my balcony door as well as windows were locked. She double checked the alarms and I know she was only doing this to ease my mind. My house is the safest place to be but seeing me get all tensed she wanted to try and make me feel better.

She then sat down on my bed, put my head on her lap and I soon fell into a deep sleep whilst holding my mothers palm.



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