Chapter 6 : The Calm Before The Storm

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{Smile, its sunnah}

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{Smile, its sunnah}

|Ameera Bint Ahmed|

By the time Asr salah rolled in, Nabeela had to leave. I offered to drop her home with Shav, but she declined politely and went to the corner to phone her brother who goes around hugging random woman that he doesn't know. I know, I know, it was a 'mistake' but he's creepy and you all have to agree with that.

By the time he showed up, I saw the same car that pulled up in my driveway earlier this morning. He glared at me for absolutely no reason before driving off with Nabeela.

"Zainab, Nabeela is so cool and then you get her weird brother. He gives off weirdo vibes," I whispered as they left, "Meera leave them, not like hes related to us or anything," she whispered back.

Since Nabeela was gone, the research was on halt until later on. We got quite alot done in such little time. It started to get chilly so I pulled Zainab to my backyard by the wooden swings with a fire pit in the middle so we can be warm and still hangout outside since we were indoors all day besides during lunch time.

"Zai, isn't it crazy how quickly we grew up. Remember how we'd come back here after school, sit on these very swings, chitchatting whilst studying or finishing our homework and now..." my voice started to crack, "Now we're 23 and 24, so close to getting married and starting families, time flew by so quickly Zai," I whispered the last part.

Before Zainab could respond, maria came out with two cups of hot chocolate and gave it to the both of us, I thanked her with a smile and she went back indoors.

"Crazy isn't it? Like I was literally thinking about this the other day, my mother has been talking about getting me married when im done with university this ye-" I cut her off immediately, "You better get married to my brother Zai, my mother will be so heartbroken seeing you marry someone else," I warned her with a cheeky smile.

She rolled her eyes at my response and replied with a "We'll see." with a full smile.

Between the both of us, Zainab is the mature one. Honestly I'd have actually killed someone if it wasn't for her talking sense into me, this tells us that she'd be the perfect sister in law for me.

"Zai, lets have a sleepover. You're staying for dinner might as well stay the night," I suggested. If she said no I'd just lock her indoors. Simple.

"Is it okay if I do?" She asked.

Is she even serious? What type of a question is that? "Of course, silly, don't ask such silly questions."

"Shaveer will be so happy." I teased which caused her to roll her eyes.

"Now hush and call aunty to tell her you're staying the night. You'll fit right into my pj's and clothes don't worry about getting your clothes sent here and if you feel grossed out then pick something from one of the guest rooms where theres new clothes and pj's for guest staying over," and she just nodded whilst texting her mom.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01 ⏰

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