Dream torture

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Warnings: mentions of abuse and torture
Ships: none at all

The night was cold and dark, and the house was silent. The only noise the sales man could hear was his own heart beat and breathing. His eyes were looking at the wall as he laid in bed. His eyes were tired, but his mind was awake. He wanted to sleep, but he feared that He will be there. Every time that he would close his eyes, the picture of his own corps would be in front of him. Every time that he would take a step, he would here foot steps following behind him. Any metal object that would drop onto something, images of weapons of war and chains would pop into his mind. This went on for months, and none of the egos knew what was going on with him, all except one, he knew exactly what was going on with him, and he enjoyed watching him act like this. The sales man being in a constant paranoid state, seeing him freeze up to his appearance, his hesitation towards any kind of contact. He loved seeing him like this, and at night is when he is more entertained.

He would put him in all sorts of pain. The sales man's screams of terror, hearing him plead for mercy, him drowning in his blood brought joy to him. And after he is done, he would hear, "Hope you understand why you are here, -+-hole." He would wake up in a pool of sweat. Tears would build up in his vision and the flash backs of the bus crash would start to play in his head. He hated it, he would blame himself for the crash and for the lost of his family. In reality, he was happy to have his son left, but it didn't help to hear that most of him was left. He would try to visit the hospital, but someone has to pay for the medical bill and for the funeral. So most of the time, he would be working all day and night just to pay for the meds and coffins. He hated every step of the way, but eventually made it through. As the images would flash in mind, he would try to push them away.

But this night was different, he didn't want to sleep. He was tired of being killed in his dreams. He just wanted one night with a good night's rest, but obviously the gothic mayor (sorry that I'm not sorry) doesn't want that. He turned to see the clock reading 3:00am. *Devils hour, great, he's probably awake right now.* He went back to looking at the wall, and hoping for day to come.

~•~• Time Skip •~•~

It was dawn and the sales man got up to change into work clothes. As he tucked in his American printed shirt, he heard someone talking in the hallway. He walked up to his door and pressed his ear against his door.
"The Host would like to point out that what Darkiplier is doing is hypocritical, but to an extreme."
"Does it look like I care? Obviously not, so stay out of it until I say otherwise!"
"As Dark was walking down the halls, the Host said 'that he should stop this and think about the out comes for once!' "
"What did I say about staying out of it?!"
There was silence for a couple good seconds until another voice popped in.
"Ya know Dark, the book worm is right. What you're doing it really hypocritical, but to an extent."
"Well maybe he should have known what he was doing to Eric was considered mental abuse!"
"Okay, but think about it, did he even know that it was abusive or not? Because it has been said the people that who has been abusing their kids were abused by their parents."
It seemed like everything was quiet. Eventually, foot steps were heard going towards the kitchen. He twisted the knob and opened the door to see no one in the hallway. The smell of coffee and eggs were filling his nose. It smelled nice, but his stomach felt queasy. He hardly ever ate when the 'dreams' started. He mostly ate some fruit or nothing to say the lest. Some coffee here and there, but mostly some food to keep his hunger down.

He started to walk out when he heard someone say his name, "uh, Mr.Derekson? Are you okay?" He quickly turned his head to see Randal. "Y-yeah, I'm f-fine. A-and just call m-me Derek."
"R-right, Derek um, I've noticed that you've been kind of distant from everyone and I'm really concerned about it."
"Yeah, I-I'm fine just had a lot of work to do. Ya know?"
"Yeah, that's the thing. You always say that, and I'm starting to think it's something else."
"Wh-What makes you think th-that?"
"You've been avoiding any contact that anyone gives you, and you act like you're being followed."
"A-A lot of things have been on my mind. N-nothing important or anything."
"Your eyes bags says otherwise."
"It-*scoffs* Does it matter? Plus, why would you care?"
"I don't want you to be hurt in some way. And it's not just me, it's also Eric, he's really worried for you and he thinks it's because of himself."
"Well, tell him that it has nothing to do with him."
"I've told him that, but he doesn't believe me. I'm really worried for you."
"Randal, I can assure you that I'm fine."
"But Derek-"

He walked towards the front door to avoid anyone else. He opened the door and started to walk towards his car to go to work.

~•~• Another time skip •~•~

*Today was awful.* The sales man just got back from work, and he was exhausted. He walked towards his room and laid into his bed without bothering to change his clothes. He closed his eyes forgetting about what was laying ahead for him.

"Hello Derek, I've been waiting."

Derek found himself in a black void with a dark figure in front of him. *oh no, not again.* He tried to turn and run, but a shadow like tentacle grabbed him by the waist and brought him to Dark. "You weren't here last night. Why weren't you asleep?" The sales man tried to wiggle free, but its grip on him became tighter the more he tried. He didn't know what to say, he didn't know what excuse to make up. The tentacle started to wrap around his arms and shoulders until it reached his neck. He felt his throat get closed up as the tentacle started to squeeze in him. "I suggest that you start talking, before you start popping." He felt hot tears start form and his lungs start to burn for air. He felt light headed as he struggled for air. *when will this end? Why is this happening? I just want everything to stop for one second.* He started feel his body go limp. And he started to slip away from the dream, a certain narrator decided to stop all of this.
"As the sales man felt himself slip away, Dark's spine eventually gave up on him and he fell to the floor. Derek started to gasp for breath while the once all mighty Darkiplier was furious for what the Host has done. The Host allowed the dark ego to throw his temper tantrum."

" What the heck?! Why would you do this?! "

"The Host calmly replied by saying that, 'He wanted to stop Dark's hypocritical actions and that it was childish.' And after he said that, he heard soft whimpers coming from the paranoid sales man as he whispered, 'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. I'm a horrible person. It's my fault that their gone.' And all of the negative things that Dark has drilled into his head for the past few months. Making him feel guilty for his actions towards him."

Dark looked at Derek to see him with his knees against his chest as he whispered to himself. Dark hated the feeling in his chest, guilt as The Host said, but the more he saw Derek like this, the more he felt bad for what he has done. He hated to admit it, but he felt pity for the man in front of him. "It's almost morning, we'll talk more of it tomorrow." Is what Dark said before Derek woke up.

He sat up from his bed to process what happened in his dream. It wasn't bad, but he felt something he never thought he would feel again. He felt relaxed, and he was happy about that. He got up from his bed so he could change into a new pair of cloths. As he got out of his room, he heard foot steps coming towards him. "Mr. Derekson, may I speak to you for a little bit?" He turned to see Darkiplier. "Sure, what is it?"
"I just want to apologize for what I've done for the past couple of months. What I was doing was hypocritical, but in a more violent way. I hope you could forgive me for my actions."
"I forgive you."

Derek walked off to the front door before stopping. *I should probably talk to Eric first.*

+-+ The End+-+

Word Count: 1563

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