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Bryan's pov
My house isn't safe. My parent's home isn't safe. NOWHERE IS SAFE.
I was grabbing personal Items from my house and putting them in a bag; I grabbed an old family picture before the........accident.

I smiled at the happy moment, Charles rarely left his room, and when he did, it was for food

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I smiled at the happy moment, Charles rarely left his room, and when he did, it was for food.
"What were you working on?" I asked the picture as if I was talking to my brother.
I carefully put the picture in my bag.
I zip it up, and I'm about to check my phone when I heard a.....familiar........terrifyingly familiar voice of a young boy.
"Brother?" His voice echoed through my house like he was everywhere.
I dropped my phone on the bed and ran... I ran as fast as my legs could carry me.

I tripped in the foyer I was about to get up when I saw.

I tripped in the foyer I was about to get up when I saw

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3rd person.
The last thing someone heard from Bryans house was a scream followed by silence.

Moltens pov
I arrived at Bryans house. He didn't show up for work today. Jon sent me here.
I entered through the front door, and when I walked in, a spot on the foyer floor was wet and had some leaves on it.
I entered Bryans bedroom to find a bag half-packed and his phone on his bed.
I don't know what happened to him, but I know he didn't leave on his own free will.

Time skip.
I brought Jon over. To see if he could help with this.
"Well, yes gone, that's for sure" Jon then looked over to the foyer and saw the water and leaves. "That's odd why are there leaves on the floor?" He asked and walked over to them.
I didn't get a good look at them before. They were green, like extremely green like they were just ripped off a tree. They were shaped oddly.
And the water was murky like it was almost black.
Jon picked up a leaf, "These aren't from any tree I've seen"
That was a month ago.

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