The truth

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Jon's pov
I ran away from Jack. How is HE ALIVE!!
I shot him IN THE HEAD!!
"Why are you running little boy, don't you want your boyfriend? Jack teased chasing after he.
"He's not my boyfriend!" I shouted as I pulled my shotgun out and shot a couple of rounds at him.
He just took them like they were mosquitos.
"Bullets don't work Johnny," He said, laughing.
"Crap," I shouted, running away from him and into the guest house.
I closed the door and blocked it with a chair.
He banged on the door a couple of times.

Jacks mind.
'Leave him, alone dad, let mom deal with him.'
'On it Danny'

Jon's pov
He stopped the banging, and I caught my breath.
I looked around. The guest house was the same as the actual house.

 The guest house was the same as the actual house

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But somehow cleaner.

I walked down the hallway floorboards creaking as I go. I find a door, and I try and open it, but.
mary is behind it, and she screams,
"STAY OUT!" and slams the door in my face.
"Well that just happened" I say to myself. I guess this is where she's keeping Bryan.
I notice writing on the wall in blood.

She's upstairs. Don't go up.

Then on a nearby table, I find a note.

You tried to sneak up to the first floor again, didn't you?! Did you think I wouldn't notice?!?!
Even after what happened to Daniel, you just keep talking about some strange medicine.
And what are you planning to do with my altar? You better keep those sticky fingers off of it!
Nobody touches my sacred altar!
You think your father and I are idiots?! You spoiled pathetic child...
I wish you'd NeVEr been born. UnforGlVably pathetic yet always lookingDOWN on uS aNd trying to Leave our HOME! After EVERYthing WE'VE done for YOU... Pathetic PATHETICpathetic pathetic...
If you EVER even touch my altar I'll slice off your chest and serve it up as potroast...

"Johnny?" I hear Evan on my radio.
"Yes, it's me; I just found something horrifying," I said, referring to the note.
"What did Daniel do?" Evan asked.
"Wait, I didn't say, Daniel," I said suspiciously.
"You didn't oh, well, I...." Evan trailed off.
"Do you know what's going on?" I asked, getting angry.
"Yes I do, let me give you the run down, Daniel or d-682 is an experimental bioweapon, he can go into people's heads and change how they think and can change biology, the perfect killing machine." Evan paused," I was assigned to be a baby sitter for him, but Daniel figured out what he was and had a mental breakdown." Evan calmly explained.
"Then the plane we were on crashed, and only me and Daniel survived, the Films found us, and now Daniel wants them to be his family" Evan took a breath.
I was silent; that's a lot of information to take in.
"You get all of that, bud?" Evan asked.
"Yeah," I answered meekly.
"Good 'cause I ain't explaining it again." Evan said," Where are you right now?" He asked.
"I'm in the guest house, still looking for my friend," I said, hoping he could help me.
"Good, because when I left, I forgot a briefcase find it, you can cure your friend from Daniels control and you could kill Daniel," Evan announced, and that gave me hope.
I slowly walk up the stairs being careful not to make too much noise.
I walk into the first room I saw.
Inside was a destroyed bedroom and a briefcase on the dresser.
I open the dresser and inside are two small empty syringes and a note.

'Regarding the D-Series serum: the following items be able synthesize serum.
1. E-Series cranial nerve
2. E-Series peripheral nerve.'
I was about to talk to Evan when I heard the floorboards creak outside of the room.

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