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Jon's pov
"Little boy!" I shouted as I chased the kid until I reached the main staircase.
The boy was gone. I looked around, and I didn't find him.
I gave up looking and walked to the basement door, and I found a chain and lock attached to the door.
"Crap," I said, annoyed someone must have locked the door.
I walked back to the staircase; maybe the key Is upstairs.
I walked up the old staircase it creaking on every other step.
The second floor was in the same shape as the first but more of this black mold.
I looked around, and I saw.

"AGGH Bryans grandpa!!" I screamed

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"AGGH Bryans grandpa!!" I screamed.
How did he get up here it's a staircase he's in a wheelchair.
I ignore him and walk into the first room i see, and it's a bedroom.
The room seemed untouched by the mold, but it had six years of dust on all the furniture.
And judging by the pride flag on the wall and the red bedspread, this was Bryans room.
I look through the room. The dresser had clothes neatly folded in them each drawer. I guess Bryan left this place in a hurry because nothing seems to be missing.
But on the vanity, there is a dust mark that showed something was there. I saw a closet, but it was locked with an electric lock.
I leave Bryans room, and Grandpa is gone.
I walked down the hallway to find another door. It was a bathroom.
It was dirty, and the tub in the middle of the room was filled with a Blackwater that looked like the water I found in Bryans house.
I looked around the room, didn't find anything except a note on the counter.
'Reminder: get Grandpas meds' It read in Bryans handwriting.
I ignore the note and walk out of the bathroom.
I walk across the hall and enter another bedroom

I walk across the hall and enter another bedroom

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The room was torn apart. The air in here was heavy. I looked around, and I find a desk with blueprints on it with messy handwriting. On the wall above, it was blue letters that said.
"Charles" I read them out loud, so this is his Brother's room.
I look around and In a small hole behind the desk was a box.
It's an older looking jewelry box.

It's the same shape as the dust print in Bryans room

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It's the same shape as the dust print in Bryans room.
I run out of the room and enter Bryans room. I place the box in its old spot, and I hear a click.
I look towards the closet door to see it's open ajar.
I open the door, and I find more clothes, but on a stool, on the ground, I saw a key.

"This could be to the basement," I said, putting the key in my pocket.
I walk out of the closet and close the door.
I walk to the jewelry box and open it.
It was nearly empty, but there was a locket that had a lot of dust on it.

It was nearly empty, but there was a locket that had a lot of dust on it

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" It's beautiful," I said to myself. I opened the locket and saw a picture; it was of the family Bryan was in it.
They looked healthy and happy. But Charles looked like he didn't want to be there.
"Bryan would want this back," I said, putting the locket in my pocket with the key.
I walk to the door.
Then I walked to the staircase and back to the basement door.
The key fits!!!
I opened the door and walked downstairs.

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