Chapter 6

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I woke up to bright sunlight and the sound of someone’s voice. My eyes opened and I realized I was lying on the ground and staring up at the sky.

And my head was on Thomas Sangster’s chest.

I looked up to whoever was speaking. It was Dylan. Tom was still sleeping through everything. “Having fun there, Maddie?”, Dylan asked me. I quickly brushed my hair down with my hands and put a some stray strands of hair behind my ear, which made Dylan laugh.

“Dylan,” I quickly said.

“That’s me!”, he said happily, and I smiled. He put out his hand which I just stared at. “Well are you gonna take it?” He asked after a while. I realized I had been just staring at his hand for quite some time, and I instantly snapped out of it and took his hand. He pulled me up and I looked down at Thomas, who was sleeping peacefully.

“Thanks,” I mumbled, slightly embarrassed. “What do we do with him?” Dylan looked down at Tom and smirked a little bit.

“Awe, he looks so cute. You wanna go get me a bucket of water?” he asked. I looked at him confused but I finally got it, laughed, and ran inside Tom’s house to get the bucket of water.

I looked around Tom’s kitchen and decided to just grab a pot I had found in a cabinet. I took it and filled it up with ice-cold water. I then carefully took it back outside to where Dylan was standing with his phone in his hand.

“I nominated Tom for the ice-bucket challenge but he never really did it. That’s too bad,” Dylan grinned and I giggled. I heard the record button on his phone click, and he cued me to pour the water on Tom’s face.

I tipped the pot over and it splattered over Tom’s face. He sat up very quickly, gasping and in shock. I started dying laughing, and Dylan dropped his phone and rolled around the grass, gasping for breath.

“What the bloody hell?!” Tom said. After he realized that we weren’t going to stop laughing for a very long time, he started to laugh, too. “Okay that was actually pretty funny.”

“You see, buddy,” Dylan told Tom, “I told you I would get you to do the ice-bucket challenge at some point.” Dylan helped Tom up. “So what were you guys doing out here, anyways? You know, alone, asleep, literally on top of each other?” Dylan implied, smirking.

Tom and I quickly looked at eachother and then looked down at the ground. “I just  came over yesterday and we hung out. . . and watched a movie. . .” I said, hesitantly.

“Sure you did,” Dylan exclaimed. “Did you guys see that house at the end of the street? Some teens completely trashed it with toilet-paper. I drove by it and completely died laughing, you guys should go see it!”

I tried to stifle my laughter. “Yeah, we really should,” I said.

“Well anyways,” Dylan started, “I just came over here because you weren’t answering your phone Tom, and Wes wanted me to tell you that we start filming The Scorch Trials pretty soon.”

“I thought it wasn’t ‘til the end of October?” Tom exclaimed.

“Yeah, well, the date was pushed up to October 10th because of cast ‘personal issues’” Dylan said, putting air-quotes around the words “personal issues”.

“Hey, that’s my birthday,” I told them.

“For real?” Dylan said. I nodded my head. “Well happy early birthday.” I laughed and thanked him.

“Well I’m gonna go wash up inside, you guys do what you want,” Tom said.

“Thanks Tom, for everything.” I told him sincerely. He smiled as a way of saying “your welcome.” Thomas walked inside and Dylan and I just kind of stood there awkwardly.

After a few minutes, Dylan said, “What do you say we get the hell outta here?”



We arrived at Skate-Date fifteen minutes later. “Skate-date. . .” I mumbled and got out of Dylan’s car.

“In our case it would be something like Skate-friend but yeah, you know, you get the point.” I giggled. Dylan was a very funny person, and his the character he played in Teen Wolf, Stiles, really had the same personality as Dylan.

We walked in and got in line behind one person to pay. I then realized that I hadn’t brought my wallet with me. I was about to tell Dylan that we should go back to get my wallet, when he just pulled out a ten dollar bill from his wallet and payed for the rental skates. “Thanks, Dyl, you really didn’t have to do that.”

“Ooo, Dyl, I like that name,” he grinned at me and I rolled my eyes. “And yes I did, I could tell that you forgot your money.” The guy was like a mind-reader.

After getting our skates on (which required me having to tie Dylan’s skates for him because he didn’t know how to), we went out into the cold skating rink, which was vacant except for two people together; the one in front of us when we got in line to pay, and a man who must be her boyfriend. The girl’s boyfriend was holding her hand while they skated together to the slow music that played in the speakers above us.

I started to skate around a little bit. It had been seven years since I had last skated, and it felt like it had been yesterday. That’s when I realized that Dylan was still at the door to the rink and was holding on to the sides. I laughed and skated over and started teasing.

“Haha, you don’t know how to skate, do you?” I smirked.

“Let’s just say the last time I skated I was eight years old.” He told me, lifting the corner of his lips up to show me a half-smile. I grabbed both of Dylan’s hands and started skating backwards slowly, while he skated forwards. He was wobbling a lot, and I could feel his grip on me tightening.

Suddenly, he tripped on a chunk of ice and started slipping. His skates went everywhere as he tried to stay up, which didn’t work. He fell, and took me down with him, me landing on top. I laughed very hard, and so did he. I could feel his chest vibrating as he laughed and I pulled myself off of him.

Grabbing his hand again, I pulled him up and just held one of his hands this time. “How are you not freezing?” he asked me after he started to get the hang of it. “Here I am with gloves, a jacket, and a scarf, and there you are with a light sweater and jeans.”

“I love the cold,” I replied simply.


“I don’t know. I just love when it’s cold because it reminds me that winter is coming, and I love the winter because of the snow. I like the way it just falls on the trees when all the leaves are gone, and it just leaves these flaky snowflakes in Matt’s hair and--” I stopped once I said Matt’s name and looked down.

“Who’s Matt?” he asked me quietly.

“My ex” I said, shakily. “We broke up last night, that’s why I was at Tom’s. . . I’m sorry I just got kind of carried away there in my nerdy trance and started thinking of him.” I laughed fakely.

“Well I thought it sounded beautiful.”

Her Fading Whisper ➽ Dylan O'BrienWhere stories live. Discover now