Chapter 40

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*2 weeks later*


Caffeine is a drug. It pulls you in when you crave it the most. It takes over your mind and sets you with just one goal-- to get a Starbucks. So that's what I was doing. Walking to Starbucks to get myself a "Double- Chocolaty Chip frappucino." It was a Monday morning, making the streets of New York City busy with citizens rushing off to work. I loved walking. Driving was a waste of gas, exercise, and honestly, time. Walking was so much more fitting to me.

       I mentally groaned as I saw the line to Starbucks, but decided to wait it out. Twenty-five minutes later, I had ordered and recieved my coffee and sat down at a small table. The same table Tom and I had sat at so long ago, and the table across from the one Britt kissed Dylan. I thought a lot as I sat there, alone. I thought about how I would have to go six months without seeing him, seeing him for a week, and then going another six months without him next to me. I also thought about how Dylan and Tyler were the only people that were close to me, really the only friends I had.

       Dylan and Tyler were starting their filming for the 7th season of Teen Wolf, which would be their last. We had already filmed the majority of The Death Cure, but some of my scenes still needed to be fitted in. My director, Wes, was pushing in extra hours for me so until I left for my tour, I would not be available much. Wes was determined to finish all of the scenes I was in before I left which would be hard, considering I was in almost every scene Dylan was in. And that was a lot, considering he was the main character.

       I took out one of my favorite books, Eleanor & Park. It had been a long time since I had last had a chance to read a book with all of the filming that was going on. I finally had a free day today.

       Suddenly, a boy who looked to be about 24 sat down straight in front of me. I still didn't look up from my book.

       "Can I help you?" I asked casually, raising an eyebrow.

       "I'm Sean Marley. I just wanted to ask, is your name 'Wi-Fi'? Because I'm feeling a wireless connection," he smirked and tried his best not to laugh. I still refused to look up from my book, as I saw some of Sean's buddies over in the corner of Starbucks laughing. But the corners of my lips did turn up in a smile. I was pretty sure my book was covering part of my face.

       "That's nice," I said simply.

       Sean was silent. He seemed lost and confused, for he had a puzzled look written across his face though his partly-faded smile was still plastered there. "Sorry, a bet. . ." he trailed off, seeming lost for words. He scratched the back of his head nervously. "Can I buy you a drink?" he asked.

       I finally set my book down and partly smirked and smiled at Sean, waving my Starbucks cup in the air, then setting it back down on the table. "Right, sorry, stupid question," he said.

       I just laughed then. "Hi," I simply said.

       "Hi," he replied back and chuckled. "I'm sorry, my friends didn't think I could come over to you and say a cheesy pick up line. I had to prove them wrong."

       I smiled. "To answer your question, no, my name's Maddie Hull, not wi-fi," I told him, earning a bewildered look.

       "Oh my-- oh sh-- oh my god I'm-- holy--" Sean rambled. I just laughed at how ridiculous he was. "I-I can't believe I just did-- oh my god. . . I'm so sorry, I-I--" I cut Sean off.

       "It's okay," I giggled, "I always love a little cheesiness once in a while."

       "Huge fan by the way, I saw a concert like five years ago," Sean said as he stood up, eyes wide. "I'm gonna go now."

       I nodded, trying to hold in a laugh. "Bye," I waved to him.

       He seemed to be debating on whether he should say more, but he decided not to. All he said was, "Uh, b-bye."

       Sean went back to his group of friends, and I could hear him yelling at them. I shook my head and chuckled to myself. I decided to leave, being bored with myself.

       Right as I was about to leave the coffee shop, I saw somebody I wasn't expecting to see.

       It was Dani.

       Hesitantly, I made a move to walk towards her. She was sitting alone and reading a magazine. I had no idea what I was going to say to her, but I knew I had to work something out with her. None of the arguments that had happened between Tom and I would have happened if it hadn't been for Dani. I sat down in front of her, making her jump. My face was blank, no emotion written across it. I was an actress.

       "Look Dani," I started, "I don't know what happened to make you think that you have anything to worry about when it comes to Tom and I, but I can assure you, there's nothing. Tom is my best friend and I need him in my life. Don't you find it a bit immature that you told your boyfriend who he can and cannot be seeing? Because I do. Now you need to give up this game and deal with it, because I need him in my life," I told Dani. I didn't speak angrily or sadly, or in any type of way. I just explained.

        Dani's expression was unreadable. She just stared at me. After a long time of uncomfortable staring, she spoke. "I saw a lot of things that made me uncomfortable, Maddie," she told me. "Like you, I too need Tom in my life. He is the only person left I love. I lost my family a few years ago. Every last person I cared about. I didn't have any friends. But then I met Tom. Maddie, if you interfere, I could lose Tom forever and I can't have that happen. What if he falls for you? I mean why wouldn't he? I'm surprised he hasn't already. You're beautiful, talented, loveable. . . what isn't there to love about you? And then there's me. The girl that had no friends in highschool, lost her family, and cuts herself. There's gonna come a day where Tom falls for you, Maddie, and I can't risk losing him," Dani told me in the same expression I had told her.

       I rolled my eyes. "Like I said, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. I have an amazing boyfriend who I love so much, words can't even describe. I know Tom feels the same about you, but maybe it seems like he hasn't been the same lately, right?" I asked Dani. She didn't answer, but looked down at the table and blushed. "Exactly. It's because Tom and I need each other. And the reason to why you are going to lose Tom pretty soon is because Tom knows that. He knows that we need each other, and he knows that you are controlling him like a ragdoll, telling him who he can and can't be friends with. And he's going to break up with you for that. Is that really what you want?" I asked her sincerely.

       "Tom or Dylan, either works for me," Dani shrugged and sipped her coffee.

       "Excuse me?" I asked.

       Dani set her cup down. "Tom or Dylan. Either one of them works for me," she repeated herself.

       I scoffed. "Are you serious right now?" I said incredulously. "Here you are, making me, Tom, Dylan, Tyler-- everyone-- believe that you're madly in love with Tom when really, you don't care as long as you get either Tom or Dylan. You know what? You are sick," I spat.

       "Like you, I'm beautiful too, and I know that. I don't lie to myself. Once Tom falls for you, Dylan's going to end up falling for me and you know it," Dani told me like a know-it-all.

       "No I don't 'know it'" I said, making air-quotes around the words: know it. "You can have fun losing everyone you care about once again because of your sick choices. I will tell Dylan, just so you know," I sneered at Dani, standing up.

       Dani just shrugged and continued reading her magazine, once again taking another sip from her coffee tauntingly. I rolled my eyes and scoffed while walking out of Starbucks.

Her Fading Whisper ➽ Dylan O'BrienWhere stories live. Discover now