Chapter III

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Sorry in advance oop-

Jungkook held his head low, and his wolf had its tail between its legs. Fury bubbled inside of him, but he couldn't let that show. Not when his grandfather was barking at him, angry words getting shot at him like a spitfire.

After storming away from the interrogation room, Jungkook had tried to calm down as much as he possibly could before confronting the higher Alphas. It didn't take a genius to guess the two older men weren't happy his task was left uncompleted.

"You had one job, Jungkook. And you didn't get anything from him," the eldest Alpha growled, his old eyes squinted. "Do you understand, kid? He is the son of Park Ilhoon! He has to talk. And after we get the information needed, killing him will be the easiest way to get rid of him," he declared.

A flash of panic rushed through the young Alpha, the feeling like a thunderbolt tearing his guts. His eyes widened, his heart missing a beat as his head shot up. "No!" Jungkook immediately closed his mouth, and his wolf whined, shivering when the two men turned to look at him.

"What?" Junghoon questioned, his tone calmer than the other's. Jungkook had always found his father to be more relaxed than the old guy, but he knew to still be careful around him; the man could be terrifying.

In Jungkook's opinion, the eldest of the Alphas was slowly but surely starting to lose his grip. Sometimes he didn't remember the staff's small mistakes, and he still hadn't disposed of Taehyung's pink sequin shirt that had been on his hit list for a while now. Maybe his time was soon over. And Jungkook couldn't wait.

"Nothing, I am sorry. I will do a better job and question the Park again, and if he won't answer, I will make sure he regrets it." Jungkook bowed deeply and left the meeting room with fire under his tail.

With quick steps, the Alpha walked through a long hallway before facing a dead end. He placed his hand on the wall and pushed, and the structure started sliding to the side. Jungkook stepped out of the secret walkway and closed it behind himself by sliding his finger under the corner of a family portrait and flicking a switch under the frame. Mafia precautions.

"You look pissed to the max."

Taehyung's voice made the man look to the side. He came face to face with his best friend's raised eyebrows and annoying smirk. The brunet was indeed right. Jungkook was pissed. More than maximum. His rage was overflowing.

"Just shut up," he said, holding his fuming wolf back not to completely snap at the elder.

"Problems with the Park boy?"

No response. Taehyung figured the younger Alpha didn't want to talk about it; he really seemed angry. He wondered what made Jungkook so pissed.

"You should let out some steam. I know there's gonna be a party tonight. Wanna tag along?" he proposed carefully, not wanting to provoke the male in the higher position. The two of them were best friends and considered each other brothers, but at the end of the day, Jungkook was a Jeon. He had the upper hand. Taehyung was older, but Jungkook was more powerful. And in this state, the raven could be dangerous.

Party. Alcohol. That would make him forget about Jimin. Good.

"Yeah, I'm coming."

Jimin sat in the embrasure of his room and stared out of the large window to the greenery. He wanted to go out to the big garden, walk around in the fresh air, even just for a bit. He had already spent hours looking outside: observing birds, occasional guards walking by, and the clouds.

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