Chapter 1:The First Day

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Chelsea POV

I was sleeping so peacefully until my alarm clock went off playing My Girl by the one and only Diggy Simmons.I clicked the snooze button on the phone and went back to sleep for about five minutes until I was woken up by my mom

Mom:Come on Chelsea you have to get up don't want to be late for your first day at your new school.

Me:*Groans and pulls cover over my head*

Mom:Okay lemme just go get a nice cold bucket of water *begins to walk out of the room*

Me:*Shoots out of the bed*I'm up I'm up

Mom:That's what I thought*walks out of the room and into the kitchen and begins making breakfast.

I got out and did my hygiene routine and tool a 20 minute shower.I got out dried off and put on this (in media) .I took a mirror selfie then walked downstairs to begin eating my breakfast .I finished eating said goodbye to my parents and little sister and hopped into my Range Rover put the address into my GPS and went off to school

Skipping the Drive
At School

I walked into the school looking like the lost new girl.I guess it was noticeable because a girl came up to me.

Girl:Hi are you lost?

Me:Yes actually I am trying to find the front office so that I can get my schedule .

Girl:Oh okay I can help you get there.By the way I am Ariel.

Me:Hi I am Chelsea

Ariel:Well Chelsea welcome to Mavericks High School

Me:Thank you

Ariel took me to the office to get my schedule and it turns out that we have all of our classes together.

Ariel:Well come with me.I'm about to go see my boyfriend and his other friend.They have the same schedule as us.

Me:Oh okay cool.

We begin walking and she runs up and jumps into some guys arms.I'm guessing that's her boyfriend.I must be seeing things because he looks just like Trevor Jackson!I just stood there until Ariel spoke

Ariel:Trevor this is Chelsea.She is new here and she has all the same classes as us.

Trevor:Hi*shakes her hand and smiles*

Me:Hi *shakes Trevor's hand*

Ariel:Aye babe where's Diggy?

When she said Diggy my eyes got huge.I guess Trevor saw me because he spoke

Trevor:Are you a jetsetter?

Me:Yes was it noticeable?

Trevor:Yea kinda.But he went to the vending machine.

We look over and see Diggy walking over to where we were.As he got closer my heart began beating soooo fast.

Ariel:Hey Dig this is Chelsea. She is new here.

Diggy:*Looks me up and down and licks his lips*Hi I'm Diggy


The bell rings and we all walk together to class .Trevor and Ariel sits together and Diggy sits next to me.The whole class period Diggy was smiling at me and passing notes to me.This should be a good day.


A/N:Well how was that.I am very excited this is my first fan fiction so I hope you like it.

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