Chapter 6:Our First Date

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Chelsea's POV
The Next Day

I woke up the next day with a smile on my face.I can't believe it. My boyfriend is Diggy Simmons. I turned over and checked my phone on the nightstand. It was 12:56.Wow I slept till almost 1:00 .I was still tired so I began to doze off but I was woken up by my cell phone .I sat up and looked at it.It was Diggy. I answered it and spoke.

Me:*Tired Voice*Hello

Diggy:Good morning sleepyhead your finally up.

Me:How do you know that I just woke up

Diggy:1 your voice and 2 I called you like 3 times this morning and no answer.

Me:Well I was a very tired person

Diggy:Well anyway I called to ask you if you wanted to hang out today. You know,Maybe like our first date.

Me:Well that sounds good.What time?

Diggy:About 2:30

Me:Okay then I guess I should get up and do what I have to get ready.

Diggy:Yea I think I'm gonna go make something to eat them start to get ready.

Me:Okay bye


I got up and brushed my teeth and washed my face.I went downstairs to the kitchen and made a bowl of cereal and a bowl of fruit then went in the living room and turned on the TV.I plopped on the couch and began to watch Spongebob.I finished eating about 30 minutes later.I went back upstairs took a nice hot shower.By the time I got out it was almost 2:00.I went to my closet and looked for something to wear. I decided to put on(In Media) .Once I finished getting dressed I put some leave in conditioner in my long curly hair.Once I finished that I put on a little eyeliner and mascara then finished it off with some lip gloss.I was done at 2:27.My phone rang and it was Diggy

Diggy:I'm outside

Me:Kk will be out in a minute

I walked downstairs and told my parents I was leaving.I said my goodbyes and walked out the front door.I walk outside and see Diggy leaning on his car.

Diggy:Hey*hugs me*

Me:Hey*hugs him back*

Diggy:Okay let's go

Diggy opens my door for me,I get in and he closes it then runs to the driver side and jumps in the car.He starts the car and we drives out of the driveway.

Me:So where are we going?

Diggy:Somewhere.You are gonna have fun trust me.


We continue driving for about 30 minutes then we stop at a big colorful building that says Bounce off the Walls:Indoor Trampoline Park

Me:Omg!!I love this place!!I used to always go to this place with my friends when I lived in Cali

Diggy:well now you get to jump with me*smiles*

Me:Well let's go

We walked in and got ready to jump.We did flips,played dodgeball,and jumped in the ball pit.After a few ours we decided to go to Chili's to get something to eat.We were there for about a hour then we got in the car .It was about 6 o'clock.

Me:So what are we gonna do now?

Diggy:How about I take you shopping?

Me:No no no you don't have to do that .I don't want you to spend money on me

Diggy:You may not want me to but I'm going to*kisses her cheek*


We drive to the mall and we stop at Foot Locker first.Diggy told me to find a shoe so I did.I found some Jordan Retro 5 oreos.I picked them up and Diggy decided to get a pair too so we can match.He paired for the shoes then we went to a jewelry store and he got me a necklace that said Diggy and Chelsea. He got a more manlier necklace that said the same thing.Once we left we went to grab some smoothies then left the mall.Diggy pulled into my driveway and ran to the passenger side to open my door.We said our goodbyes and kissed which turned into a make out session. We kissed for about five minutes until he pulled away.



I walked inside took a shower,put on my pj's and layed down in bed.I got a text from Diggy and we texted all night long until I drifted off to sleep with a smile on my face


A/N:I have been trying to update but I have been very busy between school and cheerleading so its very hard for me.But its the weekend so I am going to see if I can update more.


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