staying the night over

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At lunchtime, we all got to our regular table, sat down and talked like every other days

"Hey, Ashlyn.. you and Ej live together right?" i ask her, i couldn't bear this situation, i had to clarify everything
"Um, do you know if he was home yesterday night?" everyone, except Ricky looks at me not understanding why i care about him, i wanted to tell them what happened but now isn't just a good time
"omg yeah he definitely was, he wouldn't stop his music, i'm sure i could hear him from across all the neighbourhood"

Ricky and i exchanged a confused look, if Ej wasn't the one who tried to break in.. then who was it?

The rest of the day went by really fast by, all i could think of was, who was it? is he/she gonna come back?

Before i knew it, i was already walking home, Ricky was with me and was talking about something but i was too preoccupied to listen to what he was saying, until i heard a voice

"Nini? Nini!!" then i suddenly snapped back
"uh? oh, sorry what were you saying?"
"are you okay? you seem really preoccupied"
he says, i really have the talent to make people worry..
"yeah, sorry it's just all that story about that person around my house is getting me really anxious, and the fact that my moms are still on that business trip is not really helping"

We arrived at my house and as i enter, Ricky followed me inside and put his bag on the table

"Ricky, what are you doing?"
"I'm staying here tonight, so if this person comes back, i'll be here to protect you"
As he says these words, i felt like my heart would explode, i've always felt like this when i'm with him...i wonder why..
"Are you sure Ricky? what about your dad?"
"My house is literally across that street, i think he'll survive on his own for tonight" he says chuckling

The start of the night was really calm, we helped each other for our homework, ordered pizzas and watched some disney movies. When the night started to fall, i felt anxious so i unconsciously held Ricky a little closer and he did the same

At the end of the movie, i looked at the time, 1:07 am, thank god tomorrow is Saturday otherwise i would never wake up, seeing Ricky was almost asleep on the sofa, i nudged him and asked if he wanted to go to sleep, he nodded sleepily

Ricky and I went to my room and both got prepared to go sleep, as i prepared Ricky's mattress right next to my bed, we heard some noise downstairs, the same noise as yesterday night, i started to shiver as i walked behind Ricky

He started to walk out of the room but i grabbed him arm
"no Ricky, please don't leave, we don't know what is it, if this person or thing is dangerous you could get injured" i say as tears start to fill my eyes
He just looked at me with the softest eyes and smiling softly, and takes my hands in his "remember why i told you i would stay the night here?" i showed him a little smile remembering what he said earlier,  "I'll come back as soon as i know what's this sound and where does it come from" he let go of my hand and i decide to follow him just in case

When we got downstairs, the living room was empty but the sound came from outside and some flashs came from the backyard, Ricky slowly turned the doorknob and as soon as the door was open, someone jumped on him, making both of them fall, and started hitting him in the face

I instinctively rush to take my phone and call the police.
"Police station of Salt Lake city, what can i do for you?" a voice said from the other side of the line
"Please help me! someone is in my house!" i say crying without stopping
"Don't worry miss, a car is coming to you localisation, it'll be here really soon"
When i came back, Ricky was on top of the person and fought back, but then i heard in the distance, the police siren getting closer and as soon as the policemen entered, Ricky got off of the person and sat on the floor panting

Still crying, i immediately rushed over to Ricky, holding his face and examining him to make sure he was okay, he was bleeding and had bruises, so i hugged him like i would never let go of him, i ran my fingers in his hair to calm him down and he instantly hugged me back smiling in spit of his bruises, "it's over neens... you're safe now"

The lights were still off and the police handcuffed the person, i turn the light on and i was shocked as i saw who was the person in front of me

word count: 844 words

Hey guys sorry i haven't been posting for a while but i've been sick for the past few days...i'm starting to get better but anyway... here's

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