Chapter 1

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12 years after Annie left with Bella

Annie's Pov
I wake up , have a quick shower , dry my hair then brush and curl it and do my skin care routine and my makeup . After that I go to Bella's room and wake her up .

Annie : Bella baby time to wake up
Bella : 5 more minutes
Annie : *giggles* Bella I'm making pancakes get up
Bella :*shoots yo out of bed and runs to her bathroom *
Annie's Pov
I laugh and walk downstairs and make Bella pancakes and a smoothie for myself by the time they were done Bella was ready , I plated her pancakes up and gave them to her and started sipping my smoothing until I got a call .

Hey guys it's the writer here I hope you enjoy my book as much as I enjoy writing it . 💜

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