At the reunion

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Mads Pov
We've just arrived and you can tell that Annie is getting worried . Hayden just texted me saying am I here yet and I just replied with yeah just on my way now . I hate having to keep things from him and from everyone else because they know I'm the closest to her . Carson hasn't heard from her in 12 years that's a long time for a brother not to speak to his sister
Photographer: come this way lady's so I can take a picture of you girls
Annie,Mads ,Bella :Okay
*takes the picture *
Mads : thank you !
Bella : lets go in
Annie * nervously * yeah you guys go in I'll be in soon
Mads : Annie come on there's nothing to worry about we're here together
Bella : yeah come on mum I want to meet people you were in this show with
Annie : ok I guess your right lets go then
* walks inside *
Rob: OMG Annie it's so great so see you
Annie : it's so great to see you to Rob
Rob : hey Mads
Mads: hey rob
Rob: so this must be Bella
Bella : the one and only
Everyone except Bella :*laughs*
Rob: lets get you guys sat down but when I say hey guys I've got three special guests and then say your names you can come up on stage
A,M,B: ok
*they sit down and Rob goes onto the stage *
Bellas Pov
Rob just went on stage and said things but I think it's soon that we get to go up I'm so excited!
Rob : okay so I've got three special guests here tonight they are Mads Lewis , Bella Leblanc and Annie Leblanc
Crowd : *gasps *
M,A,B :*walks to the stage *
Rob : it's so great to have you guys here Mads you were obviously coming
Mads : yep but I was "late"
Rob : but Annie and Bella didn't announce they were coming
Annie and Bella : hey guys
Rob : Annie and Bella have been here for the past couple of days Bella do you want to tell them what you've been up to
Bella : Okay so we've been taking photos for our agents, recording new songs , I've been writing songs , acting in tv shows and getting ready for my thirteenth birthday.
Rob : wow that's not even half of what you girls have done only one person knew that they were coming and it was the one and only
Annie : Mads Lewis
Mads: yes I'm so sorry Hayden that I didn't tell you I'll say why later
Hayden : you better
Rob: lets get this reunion started then
* they walk of stage and Bella and Annie walk of somewhere to talk *
Bella : mum who are we talking to first ?
Annie : how about your uncle Carson ?
Bella : sure
* they walk over to Carson *
Carson :* gives Annie the biggest hug in the world * omg I've missed you so much
Annie : same cars
Carson : don't ever leave for so long again
Annie : I won't but say hi to your niece Bella
Carson: hi Bella * gives her a hug *
Bella : hi uncle Carson
Carson : is she Hayden's ?
Annie : yes she is
Carson : how old is she
Annie : nearly 13 tomorrow is her birthday
Carson: you better go talk to the others
Annie : I will I'll see you soon cars
Bella : bye uncle Carson
Carson : bye Ann's bye Bella
Hayden's Pov
I can't believe Annie's here with Bella she looks so big now I can't wait to see her and give her the biggest hug because after all I am her dad even if she knows it or not
Hayden: Mads come here please
Mads : fine
Hayden : why didn't you tell me that they were here I would of made more of an effort
Mads :*rolls her eyes * Annie wanted it to be a secret
Hayden: ok I forgive you I can't wait to give her a massive hug !
Mads : which one ?
Hayden : both of them
Mads: Bellas good at hugs so you'll be fine
Hayden : takes after her super hot mum then
Mads: *laughs * you better talk to her before the end of this party it's killing her not talking to you
Hayden : it's killing me iswell . I promise I'll talk to her .

* walst they were talking Annie and Bella went and spoke to everyone but Hayden *

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