time after

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Annies pov

It's been 2 months since we've came back from New York and everything is fine again . Me and Hayden are going to the mall today so let's see if I can wake the sleeping baby

A: baby wake up
H: 5 more please see
A: Hayden Taylor summerall wake up
H: no
A: you leave me no choice Hayden no kisses for the rest of the week
H:*jumps up and out of bed quickly * I'm up I'm up
A: works everytime *laughs *
H: can I get a kiss now
A : you can * kisses him and he kisses back *
Annie pulls away
H: annnieeeeeeeeee * whines *
A: Hayden we gotta get ready
H: fine *gets out of bed so does Annie *
A : baby can we go to the mall today
H: sure what about the kids though
A: they can go spend time with cars and jay
H: okay I'll text him now
Texts between Hayden and Carson
H: hey bro
C: hey
H : do u mind looking after the kids today walst me and Annie spend some time together ?
C : I'd love to look after them I'll be there in a hour
H : thanks bro your a legend

End of texts
H: babe he's coming for them in a hour
A: okay can you wake the kids up please
H: of course * goes into Bella's room* bells wake up
B: I'm up dad
H : get ready uncle carsons gonna be here soon
B : okay dad
Hayden leaves Bella's room and goes to aces
H: ace time to wake up
AC: no daddy 10 more
H:*laughs and picks him up * your going out with uncle Carson today so you need to wake up

Carson's already picked the kids up

Annies pov
Carson just came and got the kids now it's just me and Hayden . I've just got out of the shower now Haydens gone in .my outfit is

With air force ones

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With air force ones . My makeup Is this

My hair is just my normal curls

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My hair is just my normal curls

H: u ready yet baby
A: yeah let's go

Skip to when there at the mall

H: where we gonna go baby
A: Sephora ?
H: babe u don't need more makeup
A: ugh fine how about h&m ?
H: sure
They were shopping for hours until hayden had a idea
H: babe I've got an idea
A: what is it
H: how about we book a holiday for just us two
A: sure but where to ?
H: Bali ?
A: yes
H: let's go do it baby
They booked the holiday and where now going to the car
A: hay
H: yes princess
A: I'm excited
H: same princess time alone with you is well overdue
A: just 2 weeks baby
H: who is gonna have the kids
A: we should ask either ur mom ,my mom or cars and jay
H: okay princess

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