A week later

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Annies Pov
We're leaving New York today and going back to la . Hayden thinks we're coming back in 3 days but we're going to surprise him today
Skip to when they land in La
Carson came to pick them up from the airport

Ac: uncle Carson (shouts and runs to him )
C:hey buddy (picks him up and holds him)
Bella and annie roll the bags over with them and walk over to carson
B: hey uncle carson
C: hey princess (puts ace down , hugs bella and kisses her head )
A: hey cars
C: hey anns (hugs her tight )
A: i .... Cant ......breathe cars let go (laughs)
C: sorry ive missed you too much
They all laugh and get in Carson's car and he drives them home
A: thanks cars
C: it's fine little sis
They all get out of the car Carson gets there suitcases out and puts them on the floor
Ac: hugs?
C: of course come here monkey *bends down and hugs ace *
Ac: bye bye uncle cars love you
C: bye bud love you to
B: bye uncle cars
C: bye sweetheart *hugs her and she hugs back *
B: love you uncle cars
C: love you to beautiful *pecks her forehead *
A: thanks for picking us up cars
C: Anns it's fine I'm glad you asked me
A: love you * hugs him *
C: love you more Anniebannie *hugs her back and kisses her forehead * right go see Hayden and make him happy again *laughs*
A: okay okay bye cars
C: byeeeee *gets in the car and drives off *
A: ready to see dad guys ?
Ac&B: more then ready
A: lets go then ace knock on the door

Hayden's Pov
I'm currently laying in bed looking at pictures of me Annie and the kids when the door knocks .i leave it but then there's another knock so I go and awnser the door when I open it I was speechless

H: b..babe , ace , Bella
Ac: DADDY *runs and hugs him *
H: *picks him up and hugs him tight * oh my god I've missed you soo much *starts tearing up *
B: hey dad *hugs him tight *
H: *puts ace down and hugs Bella tighter * oh my god please tell me this isn't a dream *a tear slips out of his eyes *
B: dad it isn't a dream *wipes his tears and kisses his cheek *
A: we coming in or
H: yeah come in guys
They all go into the living room and sit down
Ac:*yawns * daddy I'm tired
H: come lay on my lap and have a nap then buddy
Ac: okay daddy *sits on his lap and falls asleep on his chest *
H: I'm so glad your back
B: I'm happy we're back to I will never be able to call New York home again
A: whys that
B: none of my family are there they're here
A: oh
B: I'm gonna take ace to bed and leave you both to talk * walks over to Hayden and picks ace up and walks upstairs *
There was silence for 2 minutes before Hayden says something
H: Annie baby I'm soo sorry I messed up big time please forgive me * cry's *
A: hay don't cry of course I forgive you I was just giving you and the kids time
H: come and give me a hug I've missed you soo much *opens his arms *
A:* runs into his arms ,sits on his lap an snuggles into his chest * better now hay ?
H: not yet
A: do you need a kiss ?
H: yep
A: okay * gives him a kiss which turned into a make out until annie pulls away *
H: annieeeeeeee*wines*
A: haydennnnn*mocks him *
H: why'd you stop I was having fun * in a baby voice *
A: baby I'm tired *yawns *
Hayden picks her up and carries her to bed
A: hay it's a mess in here
H: I know I'm sorry I'll clean it up walst you go get ready for bed
A: okay
30 minutes later Annie comes out to a clean bedroom
A: wow it's clean
This is what she's wearing

babe , ace , Bella Ac: DADDY *runs and hugs him * H: *picks him up and hugs him tight * oh my god I've missed you soo much *starts tearing up * B: hey dad *hugs him tight * H: *puts ace down and hugs Bella tighter * oh my god please tell me this i...

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They both get in bed Annie plays with Hayden's hair walst he holds her close but he fell asleep on her boobs like this

They both get in bed Annie plays with Hayden's hair walst he holds her close but he fell asleep on her boobs like this

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