Hawaii part 1

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Annies Pov
Right now it's 1 am and me and Bella are both up and at the airport Hayden still doesn't know but I'll tell him when we get to Hawaii

B: mom what will dad think about is going away
A: he will be fine with it but it's ace that I'm worried about
B: yeah he hates being without us
A: I'm sure he will he fine

When they get to Hawaii

Hayden rings Annie
A: hey
H: where the hell are you
B: hi dad
H: hi Bella
A: umm Bella go get changed
B: okay
H: babe where are you
A: promise you won't get mad
H: I promise
A: me and Bella are in Hawaii
A : babe calm down your gonna scare ac*ace cry's * to late
H: I'm sorry babe it's just you worried me that you weren't here this morning
A: we left at 1 am I don't know how i got out of your grip but I did
H:*laughs* you girls go have fun tell Bella that dad loves her
A: I will
B: love you to dad
H: have fun princess
B:we will * walks back inside from the balcony *
A: right I'm gonna go hit that beach
H: have fun babe me and ace are jealous that your there and we're not
A:haha you to have fun
H: trust me we will
A: right bye daddy *says in a sexual way*
H: fuck I'm gonna get you hard when your back
A: haha
H: for real how long are you going to be there for ?
A: 2 months
H: right me and ace are gonna come after 2 weeks okay ?
A: fine by me
H: okay my queen go and have fun
A: I will make sure to check insta for pictures
H: I will remember to call me though please
A: I will don't worry baby
H: bye baby girl *ends the call *

B: mom you ready yet
A: yeah let's go to the beach !

At the beach
A: want a drink Bella
B: um sure
A: okay I'll order you one
B: thanks mom

At the bar
W: hi how can I help
A: hi can I have 2 white wines please
W: sure
Annie pays and goes back to Bella with the drinks
B: thanks mom
A: it's fine but don't tell your dad we have these
B: why ?
A: it's alcoholic
B: mom I'm not meant to have these
A: yes you are Bella legally you're allowed .
B: oh okay can you take a picture of me for instagram please
A: sure only if you do me after
B: fine by me
They take pictures
A: Bella we should really go back to the hotel it's getting late and your dad wants us to FaceTime him and ace
B: okay I'm tired anyways

When there in their hotel room they FaceTime Hayden and Ace

Ac: mommy
A: hey ace
Ac: Bella
B: hi ace
Ac: where are you
A: we are on holiday
Ac: oh can I come next time ?
H: buddy we're going on two weeks to mommy
Ac: that means I have to deal with two weeks worth of video games
B: oh no ace sorry we didn't know
Ac: it's fine.i beat daddy anyways
They all laugh
H: ace it's bed time buddy
Ac: okay night mommy and Bella
A&B : night ace
H: stay here girls I'll take him up then come back and talk to you both
B: okay
Hayden takes ace to bed and comes back
H: so how is it in Hawaii
B: it's great
H: any boys ??
A: one tried to talk to me earlier but yeah
H: who is it *angry voice *
A: hay I was kidding
H: feww
B: we got lots of pictures for instagram
H: already ?
A: yep
B: I had my first alcoholic drink
H: wait what
A:she had a ice cream that tasted like white wine
H: oh I thought she said she had a alcoholic drink
B: I did say that though
H: babe it's fine. I know she had one dans are literally taking pictures of ya'll
A: oh
H: yeah there taking pictures of your butt is well and tagging me in them * they all laugh*
A: right Bella time for bed for you
B: okay night dad
H: night Bella *bella walks away and goes Into her room of the hotel room*
A: what else have they tagged you in then
H: pictures of you in a bikini and wow my girls hot and there's some ones of Bella that I don't approve of
A:oh god
H: right imma let you go to sleep baby
A: I don't know how I'm gonna sleep without you here baby
H: I'll be there soon gorgeous enjoy tomorrow I'll text you in the morning
A:okay baby I love you
H: love you to bye
A: bye *she hangs up , posts pictures on instagram and then falls asleep *

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