lizard soup

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Agatha could feel Beatrix's parents staring at her.

Trying her best not to look as hostile as usual, lest Beatrix have even more ammunition than she already did, she stole a quick glance over the top of Winning Your Prince, and found that, lo and behold, they looked away hastily as soon as she looked up.

Unsurprisingly, they were just as blonde and beautiful as their daughter. Agatha suspected they were some sort of nobility or public figures, based off their fine clothes, and the fact people kept scampering over to talk to them (though Agatha would have defined it as grovelling.)

Perhaps it was better that her mother wasn't here. The sight of Callis in her ripped black smocks with lizards crawling out of her pockets might have killed them, or at least done some serious damage to their poor, perfectly Good hearts.

Luckily for Mr and Mrs Beatrix, the school apparently thought it was "awkward" to invite the parents of the Reader children to their annual Visiting Weekend.

Agatha couldn't fathom why.

Sighing, she stood and made for the castle, aware that the rest of the families in the Clearing were staring at her. Fathers past their prime stopped their wrestling matches with their much fitter sons to stare, and more than one elderly grandmother or little sister took several steps back as she passed.

It appears everyone had heard all about her witchy exploits, and not about her miraculous transformation.


Rolling her eyes, Agatha resolved to wander the castle until dinner, then sit as far away from everyone else as possible. She had enough to worry about without her classmate's parents being added to the mix.

As she entered the Entrance Hall, she heard someone's sister shout across the clearing;

"Milly! You told me she had warts!"

Agatha cursed Millicent and made for the candy classrooms.


Agatha only realised the door to Merlin's Menagerie was open on her way back to her room, when she heard someone hiccup.

Confused, she stopped, arms piled high with toffee candlesticks, chocolate curtain rods and fudge windowsill. After her accidental obliteration of the place in her first week, the rooftop garden had been locked during weekends and holidays, and at nights.

It couldn't be a teacher, because they were all downstairs, meeting parents...

Until now, Agatha had thought she was the only Ever student with knowledge of how to pick locks.

She slowly pushed the door further open with her clump, peering around the corner.

There was someone hunched on the edge of one of the statues, sniffling. Agatha squinted, trying to work out who it was--

She caught sight of broad shoulders and golden hair and recoiled, but it was too late.

"Do you make a habit of spying on people?" Croaked Tedros without turning around. Agatha grimaced. He must have heard her coming. She supposed her footfalls were generally more distinctive, given she was the only Ever walking around in clumps as opposed to boots or heels.

"No. Do you make a habit of sneaking into off-limits areas?"

"I didn't sneak." Said Tedros, with a wobbly attempt at dignity.

"Just picked the lock, yeah."

"How do you know I don't have a key?"

"You don't have a key." Said Agatha, though even as she said it, she was uncertain. This was his father's memorial. It was possible Dovey or someone might have given him permission to come up here--

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