The game begins

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Cal stares up at us with a hideous glare. The would be king looks murderous. I can't hold his gaze, for some reason I feel ashamed. I turn to maven and I notice his brief smirk  at cal.  Then He changes instantly to a sad mourning boy.

My head begins to pierce my skull. I can't stand the pain and I start to wobble.  Queen Elara notices my discomfort and helps me to a seat. A red servant brings me a glass of cold water and maven begins his speech.
The world blurs around me as I read the note hidden by the glass "remember who you are"
The next thing I hear is my glass shatter. Elara jumps up and looks to the guards. With her comforting hands on my shoulder she eases the pain in my skull and the red rat is seized and carried away. All in the background of mavens speech. No one notices, right? My head is aching so bad my vision clouds. Who am I? Why must I remember? What did it mean?
Once maven finishes his glorious speech he takes my hand. My vision is cleared and my head aches no longer.
"Lady Mareena of house Titanos, will you do me the honor of being my queen in the witness of my court and council?" I am joyed, this isn't the normal betrothal but that means it's important to maven, so important he ignores normal etiquette. "My king Maven of house Calore, by my colors do you have my sworn oath, I do" I don't know where the words come from. I know they aren't the proper answer but they just felt right. So real. I felt like there was no other choice in words.
I see Maven smile and all the headache is worth the pain.  I look down to the cheering crowd and back up to the crown on Mavens head. I give the perfect smile of the court. Elara joins us. We are the image of strength and power. I feel the storm and my lightning strikes the arena creating the electric dome that begins the games of Tiberius Calore and his death. I hear the crowd cheering for us, for Norta and for their true king.  We take our seats. I don't remember conjuring a storm, I must've been so angry I'm not in control of my body anymore. I pay no attention to cal in the arena. I only know the deed is done when I heater the dong of the bell and the crowd.
" long live king Maven, Strength and power!"
My headache returns and I'm escorted to my rooms.

Mareena CaloreWhere stories live. Discover now