The beginning of the end... i thought.

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i am ashamed.

i am no one. i am ash and dust. which is exactly what Maven wants me to be.

the tears don't stop pouring from my eyes. i am a coward. a senseless teenage girl.

i feel pain for Cal. but i have to remember his evil. his war tactics. his selfishness.. but i am just the same. i am evil too. 

as we left the cells i expected to feel the sweet hum of electricity. but it never comes. all that's left is suffocation. i feel helpless again. 

i can't see where we're going, my eyes are too blurry. i can't see. i don't want to see. when i think of vision i see cals empty eyes. maybe they can spare him too. maybe they can save cal too.

i dont remember getting to the bath, nor getting undressed. but when i come to i realize i am clean. i am silver. and i am Mareena. i don't see the scared, and small mare i was in the cell. i see the strong silver i once was. The Lady Mareena. though i can't meet her gaze. it's all a lie. a trick. another silver joke.

I feel the rise in temperature before i see Maven. i instantly tense. my dress has no back in it and i feel bare. Maven puts his hands on either side of my arms and i feel his hot breath. how could a cold and heartless man have such hot breath? "Mare.." it's all he says before the sentinels grab my arms and shove me to the floor. "M-maven.. what are you doing?" my voice is muffled and for the first time since the cells i feel something.. and that something is anger. "Mare.. it has to be done." i hear a twinge of guilt.. guilt? from this ruthless man? "Maven.. what has to be d-" i'm am cut off by the searing pain in my flesh. my back is fire. i'm sure my screams will be heard throughout the castle.  

I feel nothing again.

I am nothing.

I am falling through an endless darkness.

I know, short chapters, butttttttttt.. the next one will be good! i promise!!

ok ok, see you soon!

Mareena CaloreWhere stories live. Discover now