chapter 1.

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So here is our wonderful rewrite!!!!!! Oooo i have so so many plans. So so many plans!!! I hope you enjoy!!!

I need a new cover, so soon this will have a different cover!!

So, uh, should I leave the other book up?

Hmmmm tell me what you think, and as always, please comment and leave a review,

Let's start!

Katsuki: Yuki onna

Hikari: Kuchisake onna.

I gave them human names this time oooo

"Wow, it is such a lovely night out, don't you think yuki?" A girl with a cream colored face mask bound down a small hiking trail. Her steps made small tapping sounds as she laughed a little.

"Its not horrible. Wish it was not this cold out though, and i wish Haha could join us." Yuki answered. "Lets get going, Kuchisake. The night is getting old, and Haha will get worried, and she already doesnt feel well.." The girl with icy blue, almost white eyes smiled.

Both girls started to walk forward, Kuchisake adjusting her mask every so often. "Ugh. I despise this mask sometimes," She glanced out into the dark forest surrounding them "I believe its uglier than the cut on my face" The girl pouted.

Well, I think your beautiful, either way, Kuchisake onna" Yuki called her by her other name. Kuchisake turned around while still walking "So are you, Yuki onna" she giggled, only to find herself failing on a broken branch as she turned the corner.

"Kuchisake!" Yuki shouted slightly and ran to help her up. Kuchisake sat up, rubbing her shin. "Are you hurt?" yuki asked. Kuchisake did not respond, only watched behind Yuki as a few people slowly emerged from the forest.

Both girls stood up quickly and fiercely, battle ready. In a flash, a teen with a soft white face ran out quickly, yelling "Go to sleep!!" Kuchisake stepped 2 feet to the left, watching him fall to the soft earth. She then pulled out a nice fresh pair of hedge clipping scissors, and buried them deep into his back with a little spin to accompany it.

2 other men stepped out, one wearing white mask with black felt eyes, the other with a black ski mask with red eyes and on outlines red mouth.

"Slender, you might want to see this!" Masky yelled as he eyed the two girls, one of which (Kuchisake) was kicking Jeff a small smile going unnoticed on her face.

"At least someones kicking some sense into him" Jane gave a soft smirk, watching her. The woman had an odd way about herself, her face was paler than most, but her unaturally green eyes stood out like the stars on a clear night.

Slender stepped out with sally in his arms. "Oh dear. Jeff's new white hoodie, already stained with blood. Guess it was bound to happen." Slender sighed.

"Who are you people?" Yuki glared at the man, her icicle gripped tightly ready to stab.

"We are just as confused as you are. But, you too could help me if you please would. Slender bent down to their night. A villager told me I could find a woman who was very tall and not of human nature in this forest. Have you seen her?" Slender asked the teens.

"Does he mean Haha?" Yuki side glanced Kuchisake as they both backed up a little.

"Uhh. Yes...." Kuchisake nodded. "I will take you to her." She started to walk. They follow suit, after slender picked up a now unconcious Jeff.

"Here." He wiped the scissors off and handed them back to Kuchisake.

"Arigatou gozaimasu." She smiled nervously.

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