chapter 7

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How would you all feel if I drew this series as a comic also? I might draw out a few pages if anyone is interested?

This chapter is basically centered on Jeff and Kuchisake, just FYI.


"We should all split up so if one set gets attacked, the others can still make it and assist from all sides undetected." Slender suggested to the remaining group.

"Smart." Fucatachi nodded.

everyone paired up quickly, there groups of no more than two, as they all set out into the waning night.


"Jeff San, we should move quicker." Kuchisake started to briskly walk towards the dusk front, her mind on overload. How could they of let this happen? Esspecially to there own mother. Why did they target them? How did the Americans factor into this issue? How is-

Kuchisake froze as a white figure fell in front of her small feet, screeching like a monkey

"Son of a!" Jeff yelped angerily as he sat back up from the ground, his sweatshirt stained with dirt and mud..

"Well, dear you are a bit clumsy, but ill give you  5.5/10 on walking skills sense you can walk in a straight line." Kuchisake held out her hand to help him up which he gratefully accepted.

"Very funny."  He stood up, and glanced as his leg.

"You wouldnt happen to have a bandaid would ya kuku?" He asked.

"No, and if you call me that again you wont need a bandaid, you will need an ambulance." She said nonchalantly, as she bent down to assess the damage, but first scanning the surrounding area. You can never be to cautious, especially in open territory like this.

"Thats pretty deep." She frowned. "We definetly need to keep it covered to prevent infection."kuchisake reached into her coat and pulled out some hand sanitizer spray. "Stand still" she moved like a ninja, spritzing the area with alcohol.

"MOTHER F****R!!!"She smiled, good thing it was hidden as he dug his nails into his leg screeching at the sting.

"Where did you even get that??!" He growled.  She stood up "I have everything in my coat."

"Execpt bandages." He rolled his eyes.

"Correct." She bent down to asses it again.

" We will need to cover it to prevent infection, even with the spray." She mumbled.

"Well, we dont have a-" Jeff was the one to freeze up this time as Kuchisake placed her hands on her ears.

"Please, Jeff san do not be alarmed by what you might see. I am sorry I do not have any bandages, but this will work. I did it for Yuki San in the War." She removed her mask gently, the gentle moonlight outlinning the deep unatural cut. She glanced up at Jeff who stood frozen, eyes glancing from side to side at her cut.

"I am so sorry you must see my face." She scanned his expression, terrified at the face he was making. She was sure she was 10000×  more scared them him in that moment.

"Why?" He breathed out. Kuchisake tilted her head to left confused.

"Your just perfect..." He broke out into a grin

"No im not. I am ugly." She got slightly defnesive, dark thoughts of her abusive husband coning back.

"Kuku." He grabbed her hand, guiding it gently to his face, pressing her fingers gently to his own cuts. His were way less noticeable then hers, but never the less they were there.

"Y-you have them have them too!!" She broke out into a wide smile, wider than she had in a long time. He couldn't help but smile at her childlike joy.

"Ahh! Here! I am sorry I forgot!" She bent down and wrapped the mask around his leg, tying it gently in the back tightly, but not tight enough to cut off the blood supply.

"S-sorry for reacting like thats it's, just, I never meet people like me...Lets just continue moving." She whispered, Still smiling. They both started the trudge again, Jeff groaning every once in a while due to branches hitting his calf and cut.

"Favorite color?" Jeff asked, trying to occupy his mind from his leg snd knife wound from the day pervious. It had healed well, but not enough to not feel it.

"Perwinkle, yours?"

"Im a Green guy." He smirked.

"Favorite food?" He tried to continue the conversation. He couldn't lie to himself, she actually seemed like a pretty cool person to talk too.

"Hmmmmmmm mochi icecream." She nodded to confirm it."Favorite season?" She asked this time.
Hmm, probably Fall...How did you get your cut if you dont mind me asking?" Jeff broke the silence, having to speak a little louder over the wind.

"My ex husband......" She shrugged, getting slightly uncomfortable. She only has every talked about it once or twice with Hachi. "Actually, I am sorry, I cannot speak about it right now." She looked away, trying to distract herself and not cry.

"Thats cool, I can repspect that." He nodded.

"Well, we have made it." Kuchisake took Jeff's arm. "We have a medical kit in here." She motioned to a small outpost-ish looking shed. Kuchisake pulled out a key from her neckakce, and unlocked the shed. They entered the large,  one room shack, and jeff sat on a sat on a stool, leg Elevated while Kuchisake walked into a small closet that laid  in the back of the hidden shack.

Jeff looked around, noticing the along the old wooden walls, extra knifes locked up in steel and plexiglass cases, machetes, other assorted weapons, shelves full of bottles and such, a box of face masks, and a tea set, which seem to be very out of place. A few books, mannuals of sorts laid out on two beds, whose sheets were crumpled and stained with blood and dirt. There was an IV pole next to one, but the bag was shriveled up. Old used bandages and gloves littered around a small garbage can.

Jeff stopoed examining the room when the woman walked back in csrrying a box.

"Sorry that took so long." She opened the dusky box and pulled out sone supplies.

"So, you did this during a war?" Jeff asked as Kuchisake cleansed it with real wound cleaner, and bandaged it up very well.he slid his leg off so she could still on the stool.

"Yes. The great war. It was that war when we decided these teritories and borders. I fear..." She glanced up at him, a look of dispair on her face

"I fear another war is looming in the horizon."


Basically I  wanted to give them a little bit of the spotlight:)

Wear a mask and stay safe! Best of Wishes💜

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