chapter 4

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I drew a like four random pictures for this series there at the end if anyone wants to see them also, minor use of bad words in this chapter, and the drawings in the end, you are warned!


"I'm sorry we don't own any western style beds." Kuchisake laid down on her futon, yawning. She slid her coat off her shoulders and laid it next to her.

"Thats quite all right, I end up sleeping on the floor anyway." Jane smiled, cuddling into her light blue bunny Futon.

"Wait, why?" Yuki flipped over in her futon.

"I get all comfy and fall into a nice warm sleep, then casually roll off my bed then and that point i couldn't care less because my life is a roller coaster and it led me to the floor, which is where I belong."

"Well, I dont know what to say to that, but I'm happy your comfortable!" Kuchisake smiled.

"So....are you gonna sleep with that thing on?" Jane asked, pointing to kuchisake's white cloth sugical mask.

"Oh, I kinda forgot that it was on." Kuchisake smiled a little "I get so used to the them I forget im wearing them."

Sally slowly walked in the room with Hanako, rubbing her eyes. Hanako and Sally were asleep in minutes, each crawling into the same futon, and cuddling together, not speaking a word.

"Well that didn't take along."neko mused

"Where the f*ck did you come from??!" Yuki yelped, sliding away from the window so she could come in and shift back into her human form. She jumped down and jnto her futon, so she could shift and not flash everyone.

"I went out and slaughtered three rapists, well, there probably still living, but slowly bleeding out as i  only cut there-

"CHILDREN IN THE ROOM!" Kuchisake yelped.

"They are sleeping dumblef*ck." Neko rolled her eyes as she slid a tank top on.

"I don't care." She exclaimed. "It can taint there dreams." Kuchisake stated, being the little mothering woman she was.

"Where did you learn that??" Jane exclaimed, laughing.

"Keep it down in there!!!" Someone yelled from another room.

"We should all probably get some sleep." Teke spoke up.

"Good night."


"Good night"

After a few hours all the girls were fast asleep, except kuchisake.

"Ugh" she groaned a little, tossing and turning, trying to find a good postion where she could breathe, hid her face so she could take off her mask, and be comfortable all at the same time.

"This isnt gonna work. I only have about and hour and 30 minutes till Every One else is gonna wake up anyway." She glanced at the small clock that ticked nonstop, which said it was close to nightfall.

"Im taking a brief walk Katsuki. I will be back." Kuchisake finsiehd the little note, and left it on the counter.  yawning a little, she stretched her legs before she got up. She slowly exited the room, having to delicately dance over everyone on her toes.

"Safe." She softly slid the screen door closed gently

"Safe from what exactly?"

"NANI THE F**K?!" kuchisake yelped.

"Good morning to you too sunshine." Jeff stood up from the step and dusted himself off.
"Where are you going?" He asked.

"For a stroll." Kuchisake took a breath of relief.

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