chapter 3

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"Tea is served." Hachi set the tray down on the table, then rubbed her eye and let out a small yawn.

"Are you tired haha?" Kuchisake, who was trying to sip the bitter green tea through her mask and was failing miserably. More ended up in her lap rather than her mouth.

"いいえ、私の小さな ちょ。" (no, my little butterfly.) She gave Kuchisake a heartwarming smile. Kuchisake, (who had spilled so much tea down on her trenchcoat at this point it had started to drip on the floor.) glanced at Aka, who shrugged in reponse. She then glanced at Yuki, who yawned back, and leaned on the Haha who had just sat down after passing every one a tea cup. Haha placed and arm around Yuki, cradling her.

"You are very warm-" Yuki said as haha smiled as Yuki glanced up into her eyes, falling into almost a trance. Hachi Knew Yuki gets stressed out quickly, so she just deicded it would be better if she helped Yuki sleep.....

Kuchisake just rolled her eyes, and sat back.

"What, worried about yer mom?" Jeff asked. He didnt have any tea, as he did not care for the bitterness, and it would flow right out of his mouth without a straw, and he learned the hard way not to try to drink hot beverages through a straw.

Kuchisake glanced down, a little anxious. "Hai. (Yes) she has not been acting like herself recently. I don't want her to get hurt. " she whispered. Hachi had great hearing, but seemed to be in the middle of a conversation with Jane.

"Don't worry. If she is anything like My man Slender, she will be okay." He winked. Jeff then noticed her take a sharp inhale in, as if to retaliate.           " Promise." He patted her shoulder. Than stood up to stretch. Kuchisake. Gave a faint trace of a smile feeling a little better than she did.

"Okay, everyone." Hachishakusama got everyones attention.
" I have just been informed,
many of you sleep through the day, just like us. We are going to have to share rooms for the time being, and after you all rest, we will talk about how we are going to get th rough this situation. Young ladies with young ladies, And Young men with young men." She announced.

"If we are over 18 do we have to abide by that rule-" Aka was about to finish his sentence but recived a death glare from his mother.

"I'll take that as a no." He nodded. She nodded back.

"Good choice." Haha turned around. Jane couldnt help but laugh a little. As much as she would not like to admit it, she kinda liked the cloaked man. He had a great sense of humor, and wasn't a complete and total a*shole.

"Wanna be roomies?! Hanako turned to sally and gleefully smiled and nodded like a bobblehead. Hanako held her hand out to help Sally up from coloring, the activity they chose to do.they both started to clean everything up while everyone else got situated.

The rooming sitituation was slowly eased, and most went to bed. Kuchisake, and Jane shared a room, Hanako and sally did of course. The guys, they all roomed together.

Everyone slowly dispered into there rooms.

"Are you coming?" Sally asked Hanako as she turned away and Ran off.

"I will be back in one second!!" She mummbled and ran off.
"Mr. Slender man?" Hanako tugged on slender's sleeve  while everyone was leaving. Slender bent down to her hight, stopping right above her head.

"Yes child?" He asked in a calm and caring voice. Hanako gave a almost sinister smile and put a piece of paper into his pocket, then ran off to her room with Sally in tow, giggling like a school girl.

Slender unfolded the colorful paper, to find a tiny childlike picture of Hachishakusama and him. In the picture they were holding hands. He gave a smile, then heard the door shut, signalling Hachi's return from clearing all the dishes. He Delicately folded the paper back up, and stuck it in his pocket.

"So sorry that took longer than expected." Hachi bowed. "You may take my bed if you require sleep." Hachi gently lowered herself onto the couch, shutting her eyes for a brief few seconds before reopening them to reveal her beatiful crystal blue eyes. She stood up, and stumbled around for a second, almost collapsing into a table.

"I do not require it, but thank you" he nodded his head in thanks to her. "Do you require sleep? I am more than willing to look over the children if you reqiure it. You kinda look like you need a little bit of sleep.....what are you-?"  He stood up watched as she moved much quicker than slenderman could comprehend, and ran up to a huge picture window.

"What is it?" He glanced outside the window, not seeing anything besides the dense forest.

"The person Aka informed me of. I forgot about them." She informed him. He,walked up behind her, quietly. He could feel the heat radating off her. Slender would have said something, but the long Black haired woman made a beeline for the door.

"Where are you going?" Slender followed her. She almost teleported to the forest, and started looking around extensively.

"Someone is on the property." She started frantically running, trying to find whomever was on the property, slender was having a hardtime keeping up with her, losing her at 1 or 2 points,  until he finally had enough.

"Hachi stop!" Slender said as he teleported right in front of her. She fell right into him, causing them both to fall down into a. Small river bed. Slender underestimated how powerful she was when running. Slender sat up, his suit soaking wet.  Hachi, sat up, but just held her head.

"Im so sorry!!! I didnt mean to hit you-"Hachi started to apologize.

"Are you okay?! You must have been hallucinating. There is no one out here." Slender asked her. She didn't move, but she brought her knees up to her head.

"Are you......laughing?" He asked. He gently moved her hair away, then saw deep pine green eyes, not Hachishakusama's. Beatiful blue eyes.  as the woman stood up, shifting into a woman about 5'3, with a dark black cloak covering her from head to toe. The only way Slender could even twll it was a woman was by the voice.

"You actually fell for it!! Now we have the tall b*tch alone!!" The woman who he thought was Hachi started laughing histarically.

A scream Echoed from somewhere in the distance, and it was definitely none other than the woman he had befriended hours previous.


Ooooooo cliff hangeerrrrr

Please review, tell mw what you like, dont like, anything, you could even write your favorite color if ya wanted! Just tell me something, I want it to know what to work with next!!:)

All of you, stay safe and stay healthy!!!!

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