Chapter 4

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The plane is crowded, and I immediately feel the anxiety of the other passengers. The closeness of everybody crammed into the small space causes a tension in me that I try to block out before it consumes me. We have first class seats at the front of the plane, so we have more room to move than those in economy that resemble sardines stuffed into a tin can.

Will has the aisle seat beside me, as Henri takes up position across the small open space, where he can get up quickly if needed. My seat is large, more than my small body needs, but it still makes me feel confined.

Will picks up on my slight distress. "Are you OK, Lucien? I can feel your unease."

"There is so little room to move, I feel claustrophobic."

Will leans away from me slightly. "Try looking out the window. That might help till you can get over the feeling."

I do as he suggests, and it does seem to help some. I watch the workers driving their little tractors hauling lines of carts, some full of luggage, while others return to the terminal empty, and the next load waiting for them. The plane gives a little shudder and starts to back away from the terminal, causing a strange flutter deep inside my stomach. I turn to Will, who is smiling at me and patting my hand that has gripped the armrest between us so hard that my knuckles have gone white. "Don't worry. Planes are very safe. They can seem scary, but just relax and you won't have any trouble."

I nod my head, but I am still not convinced. I turn back to the window and watch the other planes get into position and roar down the tarmac before seeming to leap into the air and tilt skyward, soon to be gone. Our plane gets into position and I sit rigid in my seat as the plane shakes slightly from the thrust being applied till all of the sudden, we are bumping down the runway, tilting upward quickly, leaving the ground far below.

Will turns to me, but I am transfixed in my seat, unable to move. I reach out instinctively to the others in the cabin and feel their apprehension, which causes me to respond with more intense discomfort. I can feel the others being affected by my projection of fear, and I struggle to get myself under control enough to stop the escalation of uneasiness felt by the others in such close confines. My concentration is suddenly shattered by Will unbuckling his seat belt and reaching over to hug me close to his comforting body. I melt into his bear like embrace and allow myself to let go of my fear.

By the time we reach cruising altitude, I have gotten myself under control and the rest of the passengers settle back into their seats, oblivious of just how close they had come to full scale panic. Henri had been watching me the whole time and has a concerned look on his face. "Are you ok, Lucien? I felt the fear in you."

I lean forward slightly so I can see by Will. "Yes. It was something I was not prepared for. I will try to control myself more in the future."

Henri nods his head, still showing his concern for how close the situation had come to getting out of hand. I lean back and pull my bag of mixed nuts from my pocket and concentrate on eating them slowly to take my mind off the others in the cabin.

The twelve hours it took to get to Rome, was by far one of the longest periods of time in my young life. But being in first class gave us unlimited snacks and two meals that broke up the time, making it more manageable. I still had to fight the uneasiness of the rest of the passengers, but eventually we landed at Leonardo Da Vinci Airport in Rome.

Henri had arranged everything beforehand with Commander Smit, who is still the leader of the Swiss Guard at Vatican City. He had an unmarked car waiting for us, which he drove himself. As visiting dignitaries on a mission to see the Pope, our bags were given special treatment by Airport Security, so Smit already had them in the back of the car by the time we exited the terminal.

Will stood by me on the edge of the sidewalk, as Henri greeted his old friend with a big hug and a quick kiss on each cheek. I could feel the deep connection between the two men and smiled at their dedication to the Church and their Pope.

Smit came over to me and knelt to talk to me face to face. "So, you are the young man that has been causing such a stir here in Vatican City. I am pleased to meet you and would like to extend my services and that of the entire Swiss Guard to making your stay a pleasant one."

I look up to Will standing beside me. He takes my hand and smiles. "It is OK. Smit is only thinking of your safety and comfort."

I look to Smit and concentrate on his face. "Thank you, sir, but you have no need to fear me."

Smit looks hurt by my response but recovers his composure. "We all fear to some degree the unknown. It is what makes me good at my job."

"I understand. I had a fear of the plane ride, but I was able to overcome it with Will's help," I add, before looking around the busy sidewalk outside the arrivals area of the airport. "I shall endeavor to make your job easier by telling you if there is anybody wishing to harm me while I am here."

Smit smiles sweetly at my remark. "Why thank you," as he glances to Henri.

Henri shrugs his shoulders. "He is not kidding. He can sense the intent of people around him. If he says duck, then it would be in your best interest to duck, and quickly."

Smit turns back to me. "Do you want a job in the Guard?"

"Sorry, but I think I already have one that is a little more demanding," I respond seriously.

Smit stands up. "I guess you do at that. Well, lets get you to the Vatican where it will be easier to keep an eye on the people around us."

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