Chapter 57

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James Gomez arrives just before I finish getting dressed. I was to be ready for eight o'clock, but it is three minutes after eight by the time I exit my room. James makes a point of checking his watch as soon as I enter the main room. "The first lesson for today is obviously the need to be on time for your appointments. The future will hold many important meetings for you with very influential people, who will not take kindly to being kept waiting. I think an extra thirty minutes at the end of your normal workday is warranted, because of your tardiness."

Will is about to speak up but Henri makes a noise deep in his throat to curtail any response. James of course picks up on the exchange. "Being punctual will command respect, and Son Lucien's effectiveness will be dependent upon that respect, as it is for all of us in the church."

I straighten my black overcoat that goes past my knees, so the stiff white collar at the top does not cut into my neck. The black shoes, almost covered by the pleated black pants, are new and stiff on my feet. The day before I was wearing normal clothes, which made it easier to walk around the grounds with James, but now it is time to settle into a daily routine of instruction. "I am ready, Sir," I say with as much confidence and authority as I can convey without forcing myself on his mind.

James lifts his arm out as he stands beside the doorway, as if he were inviting his flock to flow into his embrace. I move out into the hallway as he steps in beside me. "Today and for the next week we are going to be studying in the Sistine Chapel, so let's head there now."

The day passes slowly as I remember and go over each moment of the night before with Lucille. James at numerous times had to bring my attention back to his explanation of one of the murals painted on the ceiling depicting something important that had happened in the past or an insight into how the Church has grown over the ages.

The information was engaging but still carried on for far too long, because all I could really concentrate on was the feel and smell of Lucille. The need to get back to the rooms and get the flowers ordered and sent made me anxious. James of course made me stay the extra half an hour as promised, and then some to drive home the fact that he was my instructor.

When I finally return with James and enter the apartment, I all but run to my room to get changed. James nods to Will who had been waiting for me. "Please impress upon him the need to be ready in the morning. Here at the Vatican we value promptness, and attentiveness. He failed at each today, so from now on he will be expected to correct both issues."

James turns on his heel and strides away as his long robes swirl around him. I am pulling my t-shirt over my head as I exit my room, just as the door closes, and Will turns to me. "What did you do to him today? I just got an ear full for something, and I don't exactly know why."

I straighten my t-shirt as I respond. "Well, first I was four minutes late getting to the door this morning, and then my mind wandered to Lucille and last night. I guess he thought I was too distracted as he droned on about the murals in The Sistine Chapel."

"I see," huffs Will. "Well, Henri is down picking out the flowers for Lucille right now. He was going to wait for you, but the extra time James kept you forced him to go before the florist went home for the night."

"OK. It seems that they are very strict here at the Vatican. I just wish I could use some influence on them, to get them to loosen up some."

Will shakes his head at the mere thought. "You know you can't do that. They have probably realized what you can do and will be watching each other to see if you are causing changes in their behavior. Right now, I think our best avenue is to get Lucille on your side, so you have someone to help you get through all the ritual here at the Vatican."

I had just moving to the table by the window when the door opens, and Henri walks in with a vase of flowers. "Well, what do you think? I had the florist make up the perfect arrangement for a sick friend."

Will inspects the bundle, which has the same number of red roses as white ones arranged in a base of little white tipped filler. "I have to admit, they do look good."

I can smell the fresh flowers from where I am sitting and nod my head at the scent. "They look and smell good from here. Do you have a card that I can fill out?"

Henri places the vase of flowers on the side table by the door and reaches into the pocket of his jacket, as he moves across the floor to the table. "I picked out one I hope will fit the situation."

I open the small envelope and pull out a simple folded card, with a drawing of flowers on the top right corner, and a picture of a person holding her stomach as if in pain. Inside is a short sentence, "I hope you're feeling better soon."

I look up to Henri, smiling at his choice. "Thank you for doing this for me. It seems that I am to be taught humility and respect whether I want it or not."

"I was going to warn you, but I figured it was better for you to learn it on your own. The Cardinals are the authority around here, all backed up by the Pope, and Francis seems to be very strict in his governing of the day to day activities."

"I would agree with you there," adds Will. "Pius was very quick to accept Christopher and then Lucien, for the good of the Church, but Francis is afraid that you will change his rule of the Church. I would watch out for him and what the Cardinals might demand of you. Don't forget who you are in the eyes of the people, who by the way are the real authority of the Church."

Henri shakes his head. "The people may be the true reason for the Church, but the Pope runs the Vatican, and that is where Lucien is right now and for the next few years. You may want to tread carefully around here for now."

"I must agree with you. I feel the tension in the Cardinals and Pope Francis. I will endeavor to win them over with my dedication to my lessons and their strict rules."

"That would be my advice also," comments Henri. "But right now, I think you need to address and sign that card and get it down to the kitchens for Lucille."

I reach for the pen that is sitting on the side table by the window and quickly sign my name with a simple Lucien and write her name on the front of the small envelope in a flowing script. I place it in the front of the arrangement and pick it up carefully. "I will take it down to Margaret in the kitchens, so she can get it to Lucille, or do you think I should take it right to her quarters."

"To the kitchens, for sure," states Will assuredly. "The sense of mystery, when they are delivered by another person, adds to the charm of the thought."

I smile at the truth of his words. "OK, I'll just be a moment, and while I am there, I will inform Margaret that we are ready for supper."

"Sounds good," adds Henri, as he opens the door for me.

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