Chapter 54

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The first meeting with Cardinal James Gomez consisted of a grand tour of Vatican City. We walked as he droned on about all the history of the various chapels and ancient buildings. I knew there was a lot of history to the Vatican. But the sheer number of stories and decisive moments where previous Pope's had made society changing decisions, or in some cases doing silly acts like Pope Nicholas in the early Fourteen hundred, removing the male member from all the statues at the Vatican.

This first day was just an introduction to the grounds and the buildings kept in perfect condition by an army of workers. James assured me that over the next month he would go into detail on each point he touched on. I smiled at him, "I can't wait to hear it all," as my mind keeps wandering back to Lucille and her promise of an intimate meeting in the garden that very night.

We have a light snack in the cafeteria of the museum at Castel Sant'Angelo before carrying on to the gardens and walkways back to the Palace. I was tired from walking so much as we seemed to have strolled most of Vatican City that day, but a quick shower in the quarters brought me back to full strength as I waited patiently for the time to go by so I could see Lucille again.

Margaret and Lucille were the servers again at supper, and Lucille made a point of telling me she would be back promptly at seven, if I was still willing to go for a walk after my grueling day. I was quick to assure her that I would be ready.

Henri was watching another game on the TV as I paced back and forth from my room to the rest of the apartment and back again. "I thought Will was bad for pacing, but you seem to have taken the art to a whole new level. Do not worry, she will be here. Smit has men assigned to watch over you while you are out, and they will be anxious to keep the schedule she has set."

"I know. It is just that I have never been with anybody my own age, and she does something to me." I stop as I consider what could happen. The guards won't be too close to us, will they?"

"OK, I will not inquire as to what she does to you, but I do know that Smit has left very clear instructions for the Guards. They are to protect, but not interfere with either of you in the garden, although that does not mean that you two can..."

"Can, what, Henri."

"Never mind, just be careful and above all have fun, understand?"

I smile at his uneasiness. "Don't worry, I will be the perfect gentleman."

"It is not you I am worried about. She seems to be older than you and farther along in her... Let us just say, development?"

I check my watch again. It is almost ten after Seven, and a dread comes over me threatening to break my patience. Luckily, there is a sudden knock on the door, and I rush to open it, only to see Smit standing there grinning at me, with two guards standing behind him. He points to the two guards. "This is Juan and Don; they will escort you to your meeting with the young lady."

Don-Juan, how fitting. I wonder if he planned it that way, I want to ask, but instead I step out the door after saying goodbye to Henri who is sitting in front of the TV. Smit nods to the guards and they flank me as I walk down the hall, and he enters the apartments to sit with Henri.

We exit the back of the Palace, following the walkways to the west, till we come to a Monastery just off the path. We cut across the lawns till we reach the shrub lined maze of walkways set in a rectangle shape surrounding a water fountain in the very center.

Don leaves when we reach the edge of the perfectly manicured garden. Juan points into the center towards the fountain. She is waiting for you there. Don is at the North side and I will stay here. There are guards posted at the other two sides so that nobody can enter the gardens while you and your friend meet. When you are done, just move to any side and we will escort you back to the Palace.

I step to the path right in front of me and look out over the rows of shrubs, trying to decide which way I should go. I consider turning and asking Juan but decide that it would not be fitting for the Future Messiah to have to ask directions. As it turns out it would not have made any difference which way, because it would have been the same distance.

I get to the water fountain and look around at the benches set in little niches in the shrubs but do not see her anywhere. I start to look around frantically, when I hear a small voice calling out from the line of shrubs to my right. On closer inspection I see a small break in the line of shrubs right by where the voice came from. I sense the mystery of the voice and look to each side of me before moving to the small opening. I need to crouch down slightly to enter, and when I do, I find a small patch of grass about ten feet square, covered in a blanket with a basket sitting at one corner.

Lucille is smiling at me from the back side of the blanket dressed in a flowing loose skirt and tight fitting stretchy top that shows her off nicely. I can tell that she has applied some makeup to her face and lipstick to her lips, making her look even older. The flutters in my stomach greatly increase at the thought of being close to her, close enough to feel her hand on me and smell the slight scent of cinnamon as we snuggle. That last thought would have made me go weak in the knees if I were not already on my hands and knees from crawling into her hide-away.

She reaches out to me with her hand, inviting me deeper into her lair behind the shrubs. I feel like a new victim for her pleasure as I stare at the smile on her face but take the offered hand and allow her to pull me into her presence. "Come closer, the blanket is soft and clean. I hope you don't mind but I brought some food from the kitchen for us to enjoy together here in my secret hideaway."

I look to the basket and can see the top of a bottle sticking out of the corner. "You brought some wine also."

"Yes, it is a weak wine meant for young people. I thought it might relax us as we talk and share each other's company," smiles Lucille, as she gets up on her knees and crawls over to the basket, giving me a good view of her legs and back side. She stops right at the basket and shifts her hips to the side as she turns her head to look back at me. "I hope you don't mind. Being from America, I know young people don't drink wine and such, but here it is widely accepted."

I take my eyes from the tilt of her legs and the way her knees are spread slightly to balance herself on the uneven ground and look at her suggestive smile. "Oh, that would be fine. I like the taste and admit I could use some relaxing right now."

"OK, just a little then. We do not need you too relaxed. I know you have had a trying day with Cardinal Gomez, but I want to get to know you better first."


"Yes, it is hard to talk to someone who is falling asleep in my lap, from too much wine."

"Makes sense," I get out as I sit back on my legs and watch her wiggle around on the blanket as she gets a couple of glasses and the wine poured for us.

Lucille raises up on her knees with a glass in each hand, obviously trying to decide how she wants to arrange us on the blanket. "Here, take the two of them while I get positioned."

I hold the glasses as she sits down lengthwise on the blanket to one side of it. She reaches out for them. "Here, give them to me as you turn around and sit beside me, facing the other direction, so we are close enough to talk easily to each other, leaving our hands free to hold the glasses and... brace ourselves with the other."

The last comment caused the flutters again and a flash of heat to course through my body. Memories of my parents having the same feelings, but at an older age, made me want to try dealing with them. "I am anxious to talk to you because I have been kept away from people all my life, and I don't know what to say and do around someone my own age."

Lucille smiles at me and hands me my glass. "This should help, and the rest I will teach you as we go along."

I reach for the glass and take a good gulp of it, almost choking as it hits my throat. Lucille reaches out and slaps my back hard a couple of times to help it go down. "The first lesson is not to drink wine like you would a glass of water, it is meant to be sipped, so one can savor the flavor on the way down."

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