Chapter 75

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I pass by the end of the tables covered in white cloth that hold the snacks along with the coffee and tea containers and move purposely into the room. The members are situated around the table the same way they were the last time my mother was here. Of course, Mr. Ron Donahue is no longer with the Firm. He had died a couple of years before and has been replaced by a stern looking older woman who is filling his position as head of research and development for the firm.

Mr. Justin Crone who is older now but still well within his prime, dominates the head of the table on his lone chair. I focus my attention on him and can tell right away that he has something blocking me from entering his mind, which just makes me smile when I think of the surprise, I have in store for him.

They have all turned to face me, but nobody says a word as I move forward to the single chair sitting at the very end of the table from Justin, which I pull out and sit down on.

Justin leans forward and rests his elbows on the tabletop as he steeples his fingers together before him. "Miss Lucille Dolts, I presume. we have been waiting for you. Intelligence informed us that you would likely be visiting us today."

"Yes, I know. Oh, and by the way, sorry about Mr. Wort. I left him in the men's bathroom by the front door. You will find him in the last stall by the wall, he should be done by now."

"I see," grunts Justin, as he sits back smugly in his chair. "I have heard that you can reach out much farther than either of your parents or your brother for that matter. Although the one I am most curious about is Wong when he only had the Nanos from Mr. Chung. Have you exceeded even his abilities; with the research you have been doing at our lab in Seattle?"

"That work is confidential, Sir. When I have completed it, I will share it with the rest of the Firm."

He smiles at me. "You do know that you are using Firm's resources, and anything you develop is owned by the Firm."

"Yes, I am aware of that fact and I plan to use it when I see fit to do so."

He sits up straighter in his chair, showing his importance as his face tightens in response. "As the Chairman of the Firm I am to be kept informed of all activities that happen under my leadership, which includes the Lab's in Seattle that you just walked into and started working in, as if you had authority to do so."

I smile back at him, because now it comes down to the real issue. "Oh, I see the problem now. You think you are still in charge of the Firm. I neglected to tell you that I am now in control. Sorry, that was very rude of me."

The redness of Justin's face causes me to smile, as he yells across the tabletop. "I control the Firm, and until I am no longer breathing, I will remain the head of this institution."

I don't respond to his outburst and remain calm as the doors at the back open and Julie walks in, strutting up to the end of the table with her eyes fixed on Justin and a smile on her face that relays her intention as her body sways seductively. All eyes are fixed on her as she comes up beside me and crawls up onto the tabletop, moving with purpose on her hands and knees as she moves down the length of the table and approaches him.

"What is the meaning of this?" demands Justin, as he starts to move back in his chair, more than a little un-nerved by her approach.

He of course, has a perfect view of her ample breasts that force the top of her short dress down as they sway in time to her legs moving forward. He visibly swallows and squirms in his chair, as she stops right in front of him and sits back on her legs with her arms out behind her holding her up.

"Julie, why are you doing this?"

She now spreads her legs apart forcing the short tight dress to ride up her firm thighs revealing the result of the instructions I had given her. Justin's eyes go wide as he stares at the lack of material she is wearing, realizing that other than the single dress she is naked underneath. She shudders slightly under his scrutiny before responding as needful as she can. "I have always wanted you Master. Getting a job as your secretary was a dream come true for me, and I now know, with the help of Mistress Lucille that all I want to do is serve you in any way you want, anywhere you want, for you alone or to be shared with whoever you command."

He stares at her for a moment before shaking his head, trying to dispel the effect she is having on him. He looks around her to me with fire in his eyes. "I can have ten such woman if I want, I am not that easily swayed. You will have to do better than that."

I smile at him as suddenly confusion erupts around the table. Everybody is reaching for napkins to catch the blood that is running from their noses, clearly shocked at the volume of it.

"It seems that your people are having a difficult time all of the sudden, and I have but one question for you. How long would it take to bleed out from a severe nosebleed?"

Justin gathers himself up and leans forward as he smiles at me. "I don't know. Why don't we find out? All of the division heads at this table have people ready to step into their shoes if something were to happen to them."

"I know. I am just making sure they understand that when I am in control, there will be no room for insubordination."

Justin smiles as he stares at me defiantly. "I notice that my nose is not bleeding. Why is that? Can't you enter my mind and do the same to me?"

"I have something special in mind for you. Oh, and I liked your reference to the fact that while you are breathing you would be in control."

Justin is about to respond as the hair on the back of his head starts to move around as if a breeze suddenly appeared out of nowhere, as he chuckles to himself. "Oh, no, are you going to mess up my hair till I give into your evil plan."

I continue to move the air around him till he gets an idea of what I am doing. His eyes go wide as all the sudden he cannot seem to get any fresh air into his lungs, as the air he just expelled gets forced back into his mouth, devoid of any oxygen. "That brings us to another question. How long can you survive rebreathing the same air over and over."

Justin realizes his predicament and lunges forward in his chair, unable to respond. I point to Julie now mere inches from his face. "Your new toy has air in her mouth that you can have. All you need to do is take it from her. Oh. I would not take too long to think about it either, because you are starting to turn purple."

He lunges forward and takes Julie's head in his hands and covers her mouth with his. She in response reaches up and grabs the back of his head, holding him in place as she drives her tongue covered in microscopic Nanos deep into his greedy mouth. I release everybody around the table from the influence I have over them and sit back. The others wipe the blood from their faces on the napkins as Justin releases Julie and slumps back in his chair. He soon reaches up and removes the almost invisible web of fine wires from his hair and throws it on the tabletop, defeated.

Julie leans forward to look him right in the eyes. "She is not controlling me now Master. I meant every word I said before. I belong to you now, use me as you see fit."

Justin can only stare at her as he realizes she is sincere, before turning to face me. "I know you have inserted your Nanos into me, and there is nothing I can do about that now, so I guess you win. My only request is that I be allowed to continue as your second in command."

I nod my head. "You have done remarkable things up to this point with The Firm, and I will need someone to continue with that as I take the company to new heights; so, I accept your offer."

I then turn to the rest around the table. "Each one of you will either kiss Julie who has Nanos for you also, or you will leave this room no longer a part of this company. But, if you stay, I will guarantee success and huge benefits for each of you, dependent on your innermost desires of course.

To the last person they approach Julie, and she gives her best and most passionate kiss to each of them. The joy she receives from doing this even causes me to react longingly.

Justin gets up from his chair and extends his hand to Julie, who takes it and climbs down from the tabletop to stand on his right, but slightly back from his shoulder. I get up and make my way to the now vacant chair and sit down as Justin moves to stand beside me.

I make eye contact with each of my people, entering their minds, judging their strengths and desires, before clearing my throat and getting down to business. "Ok, the first thing on the agenda is securing Five Billion dollars for the project that will set us up to becoming the biggest company on earth."

The End

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