Chapter 11 - 'The Lieutenant'

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Zero Minus 48 Hours

The Lieutenant was pushing his lamb cutlet around, absent-mindedly, from one side of the plate to the other, in the Officers' Mess of the 2nd Battalion the Devonshire Regiment; which was situated some little distance up the Line, from the Welsh Regiment.

He had just received some news that morning, which had first turned his stomach inside-out, before going-on to then contract it into what felt to be, something the size of a golf-ball. Since then, it had, most resolutely, refused to resume to its usual size and shape.

The cause of these gastric-acrobatics had been the recent briefing by the Company Commander, about the forthcoming offensive upon enemy-lines. Amongst the 'cornucopia' of information, which the officers present had been subjected to from the recent Brigade Operational Group meeting, was that each Company in their Battalion, were to provide a snatch-squad a-piece for intelligence-gathering purposes, in advance of the battle. As indeed were every other infantry battalion involved in the up-and-coming offensive!

Also, at the briefing, the Company Commander had advised all those present, somewhat mysteriously, that a great deal of thought had gone into the composition of the squad; before saying, that his decision had been, that Sergeant Black should lead their Company's particular snatch-squad.

With each of the junior Company officers looking at the others, slightly-puzzled and thinking that it would possibly have been better for one of them to have 'taken the reins'; instead of answering, the major had veered-off, conveniently, into some other, ancillary, Company business; before finally concluding the meeting.

As they the Company's officers and senior non-commissioned officers had filed, one by one, out of the sweltering dug-out, putting on their shrapnel-helmets; the Company Commander had asked The Lieutenant, along with 2nd Lieutenant Featherstonehaugh, to remain behind.

'Sit down chaps,' the Company Commander had asked, informally, to the two of them as the last rustle of the dug-out gas-blanket, showed that everyone had left.

Then, looking, carefully from one to the other, of the two second lieutenants and back again, he had gone on. 'Firstly, I must apologise for not having given either one of you two the opportunity of leading this little 'soiree', out into 'No Man's Land'. As you obviously know, neither of you have even been up above the parapet yet, let alone actually raided a trench! So, for me to allow you to lead a squad; well, it would be somewhat-reckless of me at the very-least, as I am sure you will agree?''

Upon hearing the Company Commander's words, Featherstonehaugh had, immediately, raised a questioning palm into the air. He looked, somewhat askance at the Company Commander, before stating in that most-unfortunate and high-handed manner of his, of which The Lieutenant had already found himself on the receiving-end of, 'Listen sir; we are officers, damn it all! I feel sure that I at least, would rise to the occasion if given the opportunity to lead this bally raiding-party!'

The Company Commander now cocked his head slightly, to appraise the arrogant junior-officer steadily and through narrowing eyes, down a wrinkled nose. He then said, in a somewhat less-friendlier tone than before, 'That is as may be Lieutenant Featherstone; but, this raid is rather important and we cannot really afford to take the risk of having any bloody 'gifted-amateurs', or should I say less-experienced leaders; no matter how highly they may tend to regard themselves, being in charge of it!'

The major then paused for a moment, which heightened the tension which now seemed to be building steadily, thanks to Featherstonehaugh's hubris, within the dug-out. Finally however, he pushed on by saying, now in a somewhat clipped, formal manner, 'But, that having been said, there is nothing stopping you both from going on the raid as members of the squad; just like private soldiers and to do exactly as you are told? But, this will be with a strict-agenda; to merely observe and learn as much as you can from Sergeant Black, as well as your other team-member! As such, may I stress that, on absolutely no account, are you to interfere or God-forbid, try and pull-rank at any time: do I make myself perfectly clear? Yes, good! So, with you having finally had the chance of being introduced to No Man's Land and actually have been in it; you will then at least, have had the chance to familiarise yourselves a little for what is to come, when we do finally 'go over the top' for the Big Push, in a few days' time!'

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