Ghosts 2/2

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Dream suddenly woke up in some forest, it was dark and looming and very very cold. He wrapped his arms around himself, his warm breath making itself known. Where was he? Wasn't he just with blue? With his thoughts pushing him to confusion, he slowly got up from the grass floor. Goodness it's so cold! He thought, looking around. There were trees everywhere you look, but no snow. So he couldn't have been in a Snowen of some kind. He breathed onto his hands, to hopefully keep them warm. He slowly started to move in some random direction, calling out to the forest before him. But he had got no answer, besides the echo echoing back. As he was walking he suddenly felt cold droplets fall onto him, he looked up and saw that it was snowing. In any other circumstances he would have loved to play in the snow, but he was lost and cold. And as far as he knew, snow was kinda known to be cold. So he better find some place to hid from the snow. With that thought he began to walk faster, in hopes of finding some place. Though his efforts would be put to waste, for this forest went on for miles not even some cave was close enough to Dream. It didn't take that long before Dream was forced to sit down in the snow. Oh how cold it was. His breathing got slightly faster as he hugged himself closer, so he had at least some body warmth. He slowly closed his eyes as he felt the frostbites on his fingertips, and the cold snow eating away at his pearly white bones. His clothes covered in snow, making them slightly wet. As that itself froze him more. Is my final breath going to be taken by the cold? He wondered, worry in his closed eyes. Dream shook his head, refusing that thought. He was not going to die that way, he would never let himself die that way! With that thought he stood up on his cold bitten legs, and continued walking. There had to be something, there had to be! He walked faster, which slowly turned into running. He will find some place to go, he has to! Panic finally began to cloud his mind, as he ran. The snow seeming to fall faster as he did, hitting his face the faster he got. There's got to be at least a cave or something, he thought looking around with squinted eyes. As his hands hovered over his eyes, so he could see. But it was helpless, the snow was like a thick fog. There was no way anyone could see through it. With his final step, he fell onto the fluffy but cold snow. Everything hurt so much, it was all so painful. He tried to at least get himself under a tree, but he was too tired. He couldn't. It hurt too much. Tears threatened to fall from his eyes as he layed there in the numbingly cold snow. Slowly his mind accepted that this was his end. His eyes slowly shutting down, but before they could fully close he saw some sort of Ghost. He couldn't get that many details besides that, before he closed his eyes fully. The darkness welcoming him into it's warm embrace.

Dream suddenly shot up from his pillow, coughing roughly as he sat up. His friends now awake as well, blueberry immediately rubbing his friends back as he leaned onto him. The tears mixing in with his coughing, the soothing circles on his back helping a little. His other friend, Ink. He had no idea on what to do, he wasn't really good at taking care of others. Dream spoke nonsense at first until his words started to form together properly.

"I was- I was, soo so c-cold." It was hard to hear over his coughing and tears but it somehow was heard. His two friends looked at each other, thinking the same thing. Nightmare! He was known to give his brother nightmares in hopes to find something that'll break him. Looks like he finally found it. Ink was not happy at all, he just wanted to go over to that good for nothing octopus and show him what's for. Blue wanted revenge as well but he knew it was better if he stayed a took care of his friend when he need him. So he hugged his coughing and crying friend closer, as he looked at Ink and mouthed water. The other didn't seem to get it at first, but then he realized what blue meant. So he got up, not before giving Dream a kiss on his forehead and saying that he'll be back. As he walked out to get the water that was requested of him.
Blue looked at his distressed friend, rubbing his shoulder as he hugged him. He could only imagine of what could have scared his friend so much. Next time he sees Nightmare he'll make sure to show him a piece of his mind! Though would that really be the best choice, then he would know what to scare Dream with every night. He guessed that it was better to keep revenge to himself, cuz it would probably have more harm then good. Plus Dream is the only one that can go up against Nightmare. He sighed as he heard the door open, looking at Ink who held a glass of water. Ink slowly sat down on the bed, handing the water to blue. As he would probably be the better choice.

"Dream can you sit up?" He questioned calmly as he took the water from Ink. Dream nodded sitting up, as he refused eye contact. Blue slowly handed the water to Dream, he taking a few sips at a time. As his friends looked at him with worry. Ink was about to question Dream but he got a glare from blueberry, and decided to question his friend later.
The three sat in silence for a while before they suddenly got alarmed of an AU attack, Dream sat up quickly. Him stumbling slightly as he suddenly passed out the weight of his legs giving up on him. Blue was quick to catch his friend, though the glass of water could not be saved. Ink looked at blue.

"Blue we have to go." He said quickly cleaning up the glass.

"I know but-" Ink put his hand on blues shoulder.

"We won't be long okay, he'll be fine." Blue looked at Ink before slowly putting Dream into bed and tucking him in. Giving his friend a soft kiss on his forehead, as he rubbed the stray tears on Dreams cheek.

"We'll be back, don't worry." He said as he and Ink exited through a portal.

Dream woke up an hour later, the dizziness still consuming his mind. Forcing him to close his eyes and stay there, waiting for it to pass. He wondered where his friends had gone to. Maybe an attack had happened while he was gone? He couldn't remember. But if there was he had to help them, he couldn't believe that they didn't just wake him up. Dream sat up suddenly, as he grabbed his bow. But was stopped from going anyfurther, by coughing up again. But it was different this time, he coughed up some white substance. Wha- what is that! He thought extremely worried. It worryed him that whatever this is came from him, is this some kinda of weird sickness he had. Maybe he shouldn't go and fight if that's the case, but he couldn't just leave them out there. Dream made up his mind, he will fight. Whether his friends liked it or not, first he had to clean his hand of whatever that was then he looked through as many AUs as he could before he found his friends battling the Nightmares. He jumped in and attacked Cross who was about to hit blueberry. Both Ink and blue looked shocked and worried, for Dream looked worse. You could clearly see the tear tracks, and the color in his eyes are slightly faded. The Nightmares seemed to notice Dreams horrible appearance.

"Woah looks like you had one hell of a nightmare!" Killer smirked, throwing a knife at Dream. The latter dodging it easily. Ink growled as he swung some red pant at Killer, it hitting him. It didn't take long for the pant to begin to burn Killer, he dropping his knife. While Dust went closer to him, in case he had to cover him. Though Dust couldn't help but think about how idiotc Killer is.

Annnnndddddd I can't finish. . . I guess you all will just have to finish the story yourself.

However you do it, I don't care. But if ya make a story to finish or redo it, I really want to see it. If ya do.

So ye, until next time meh friends!!

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