203. Dm (Zayn, Justin)

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Congratulations on your album


That's all you've got to say?
I've wrote a big as post so that my fans go and listen to your album and all you say is thanks?!

What do you want me to say? You congratulate me and I said thanks
I have nothing more to say!
Also you don't write something because you want something back, you do it because you want to
And all you said was shit about me!


You said you congratulate me even tho we are not together anymore
You said go stream my ex's album instead of my name
You said that YOU are ready to forgive ME when we all know the opposite should happen
And last but not least you said you are ready for me to come back to you, like are you for real?!

I can't see what I said wrong
You are my ex, we are not together anymore so I'm not forced to congratulate you, you should apologise to me because you broke my heart twice. Once by leaving me and then by going into a relationship with this asshole, but I am ready to forgive you and for you to come back to my life

So you say that when we were together you were forced to do it because you were in a relationship with me and not because you felt proud me?!
And I should forgive you? You cheated on me with a girl Justin multiple times

I said millions of times that I'm sorry Zayn
And what did you do, you got a new boy toy to play since you couldn't forgive me

You only said sorry 5 times I wouldn't count them as millions...
And Liam is not a boy toy, he is the person who makes me smile, love again. He is the most important person in my life right now
And if you EVER call him boy toy I will fucking hurt you

I'm scared...
He is nothing, I don't know why you like him that much.
He is not as successful as I am, he is not as sexy as I am, he is literally nothing

He is everything
He may not be a model, a singer or someone famous, but he is definitely more successful than you are. He is studying to be a lawyer and you know what that means, he is smart. He is also kind, sweet, caring, loving, he is a heart of gold and he definitely is more sexy and hot than you are... He is everything you wish you were

And you think I care if he is successful?! Hell no
I don't need someone in my life who is as successful as I am I need someone who loves me for being me and care for me and guees what Liam is all that.
He treats me like a king and so do I. He respects me, he asks me to do stuff.
You know we've been together for almost a year (best year of my life) and we only had a big fight once.
ONCE, while with you we fought almost every single day

You do fight tho
You just had a big fight once
And you must admit you are together for a year, we've been together for 4 of course you aren't going to fight this first year. Everything is perfect at the time, then the real struggles begins...
Remember my words Zayn you would
get tired of him easily, he can't give you what I can

We fight for the tiniest little things
And yeah we were together longer, but I feel I like I know him more than anyone. And so does he. He knows what I want defore I ever say it
And you are right, he can't give me what you can, but tell you what Justin he can give me so much more
Things you will never be able to

Now if you fucking excuse me my beautiful boyfriend is here.
And please don't ever fucking bother me again

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