236. Dm (Liam, Camila)

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Hey Li

Hey Cam
How are you? How are the boys?

You know how all of them are...
Louis and Niall are well, Louis and Niall 😂 Harry is cooking, Shawn doesn't leave Niall from his sight for a second and Zayn is talking about you and how much he misses you... The usual.

Uh, I get it
Sorry I couldn't be there right now, but I really had to come to college today. But I will come as soon as I'm finished!
And tell Zaynie I miss him too ❤️

No worries, I'll be in London for the next week we can catch up anytime. I will tell him and I bet that he will call you right after I tell him 🤣

Probably, well mostly likely he will do just that 😂

He is just a cutie honestly, he is always talking about you! The boys find it annoying but I find it sooo cute 😍

Thank you?

It was definitely a compliment
So yeah thank you is good
But I didn't message you for that

So you didn't miss talking to me?
I'm hurt...

Don't be stupid, of course I missed talking to you, you are the best Liam ❤️

I know, I know...
So tell me why you wanted to talk to me

Well it's about all the messages under my post, the one I post with Zayn

Oh that. Yeah I saw some of them

And how are you? How do you feel?

OK I guess. I'm kinda getting use to it.
It just sucks to know that some people hate you because you are dating their favourite artist or because I am dating him and not the artist THEY want
It hurts me

Yeah I know, some of them are like this with me and Shawn. I mean don't they get that Shawn is a gay married man and we are only friends? It's getting on my nerves!
But have you talked with Zayn?

Yeah I know. You know in the beginning it was hurting Niall, but after a while he accepted it and continue living his life with the love of his life and now look at them. Ready to have a family together
And yeah I kinda have, but I don't want to hurt him

He made a post a while ago and nothing changed, it got worse of I'm completely honest. I don't know anymore...
Sometimes I feel like I wanna give up

What the fuck Liam.
Never say that again!!!
You are stronger than that I know you are!

Am I tho?
They send me death threads of how I should die so that someone else take my place for Zayn to be completely happy
They say I don't deserve him and that I never will. That I can't give him what he gives me... At some points what they say it's true.
I don't deserve someone as perfect as Zayn in my life. And I can't give him what he can and deserves
He booked us a trip to Paris for our first year anniversary and what did I gave him? A book with our photos memories and his favourite book nothing compares to what he gave me

You are stupid if you think that Zayn cares for all that. He loves you and he says it at every chance he gets! You mean so much to him and you know it. Zayn doesn't care about money or anything like that...
And your presents were more than amazing and they were VERY thoughful I know he loves them.
And you should talk with Zayn about the threads I am sure he would want to know.

I know he doesn't. He is honestly the best first, and hopefully last, boyfriend I could have asked for.
He loves me and cares for me and I will be forever grateful for that
But I can't help but feel this way...
Also the hate I get daily doesn't help the situation at all

I think you need to take a Big break form social media till you actually feel better. And obviously you have to talk to Zayn about all this, he deserves to know how and what you feel!

I think that's what I am gonna do
I really need to have a step back and really think what I need for my life right now
And I will. Like you said he deserves to know
Thank you Cam, you have no idea how much you helped me ❤️

That's what friends are for Li 💕
Remember if you need anything or you feel the need to talk to someone know that I will be here for you

Thank you Cam, same goes for me too
See I'm that selfish I didn't ask you how are you and how are you

You are not selfish, we were talking about you not me and I will tell you when you come home later!

OK see you in a few hours
Please take care the other.
Don't let Niall drink anything, he is pregnant!
And tell Zaynie I love him and that I'm thinking of him ❤️

I won't don't worry! And I don't think Shawn will let him either😂 They are so cute I swear!
And I will tell him that.... Get ready for the call we said earlier 😂😂

I am!!!

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