When making things right

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My conversation with Sara left me feeling like I could finally move forward. I had a new sense of direction and I was heading straight for Carmens heart. I had been a coward to run from her when I knew deep down I only wanted to run towards her. 

Hearing directly from Sara just how much of a monster I was with her was hard. I know it's my fault that she and I didn't work out but i'm not going to sabotage myself from a new opportunity that could be great. When I think about Carmen, she is everything I could ever want in a girl and I need to make this right with her.

Of course I wanted to see her as soon as I got back home but I couldn't. I needed some time to make sure I do this right. If everything goes as planned she will be my girlfriend by the end of the week. I sat with Cody in my bed coming up with the perfect plan to win my girl back. My girl. It felt nice to say that again. To feel like I had someone just for me... well not yet at least but soon.

My plan began Monday morning. I knew Carmens schedule well enough at this point and woke up extra early to drop off her favorite drink on her desk so she could have it at work. I left a small note that said "I'm coming to find you". It sounds a bit creepy reading that alone but hopefully the drink will make it clear that its just me and not some crazy stalker.

I hadn't received a text or call from her at all the rest of the day but that was okay. I know she might be a little confused or even still mad at me for being an idiot but my plan isn't finished yet.

Tuesday morning, I again woke up early to beat her to work. This time instead of her chai latte she will be walking in to a rose on her desk. Most people would have went with an entire arrangement but I wanted one single rose for one special girl and I hope she appreciates it just as much. This time the note read "To let you know i'm ready." By now she has to know what I am talking about but again I didn't hear from her.

Wednesday morning I did something a little different. I showed up at her doorstep as quietly as possible to leave a sticky note on her door. Sticky notes always remind me of that day. The day we kissed. The day that has been my favorite with her so far. The note read "Does this remind you of anything? I recall you saying you "loved" it. I did too."

It was at this stage I was beginning to lose my patience. Not because she had not reached out to me, but because I had decided on playing the long game instead of just rushing to her and pouring my heart out to her. I was about to ask this girl to be my girlfriend and that was huge for me. This needed to be special, memorable for the both of us. However, I couldn't deny how hard it was to be so close yet so far. To be one knock away from her and still have to hold myself back. The last time I was standing in this doorway, she had been the brave one, pulling me in for a kiss because I was too coward to make the move. This is my chance to be the brave one.

Thursday was tough. I couldn't beat her to her job because I had to deal with the coffee shop being short staffed. I worked all morning and was beat by the time the shift ended. Right as I was about to head out, Sam walks in looking nervous as hell to see me. She must think I am so angry at her because she spoke of Sara but honestly I owe her a thank you.

"Don't look so shy all of a sudden." I teased. "Come over here." I waived coming out behind the counter to give her a hug.

"So you aren't mad??" Sam questioned looking confused as ever. I laughed at her expression.

Sitting down at a small table in the back I filled Sam in on everything she had missed. I told her about the closure with Sara and the new flame under my ass driving me head over heals towards Carmen. I told her everything I felt and my whole plan to win Carmen back. There was a lot of "Awe" and "I'm so proud of you."

Hearing that from one of my closest friends was nice. Im sure she is relieved to see me finally making a smart choice with my love life.

"So what is the plan for today? What notes did you leave her?" She asked suddenly bubbling with a child like excitement.

"Well I couldn't really do anything today because I got stuck working here. If you want you can help me out with the next one. I have to go home and check on my dog and prepare for the big day tomorrow. I'll leave a note with you, can you make sure it gets to her?" I asked. She of course agreed with no hesitation.

I pulled out a napkin and wrote the short note on it. "If you are still interested, meet me tomorrow at 7pm. I'll be at the park where you held my soccer ball a little too long so you could check me out ;)"

Sam immediately chuckled at the note but I didn't care. "It's so cute seeing you get like this over someone. Ugh, i'm just so excited. Im gunna run and make sure this gets to her, good luck with everything." She said after giving me a quick hug goodbye. I shook my head at my friend and finished cleaning up so I could head home.

Laying in bed knowing that tomorrow would be the big day drove me crazy. On one end, I wanted to sleep because I knew that would only bring me closer to tomorrow but I also was so nervous and excited I couldn't relax enough to sleep.

For a brief moment I thought about the negatives. What if she was still upset with me? I know I didn't take too long but what if she had moved on already? What if she was talking to someone new or just straight up wasn't interested in giving me another chance. I couldn't help but have these thoughts but all I could do was follow through with my plan. Be at that park at 7pm and hope for the best. Hope that the beautiful, funny, and crazy girl that had began breaking down my walls would still find me worth showing up for. Tomorrow would be the day I ask her to be my girl. With that final thought I willed myself to sleep and dreamt about those ocean blue eyes.

Carmens POV

It was late in the evening when I heard a knock on my door. I didn't rush to the door, suddenly nervous that it was her on the other side. Could it be? After all the notes she been leaving me my head was spinning in confusion. Just the other day she was refusing to let me in and give us a chance. Now she's dropping cute notes at my job and saying she's ready. Wouldn't she show her face if she was ready?

Opening the door, I couldn't help but feel a bit of disappointment. She wasn't standing there as I had hoped. As upset as I was leaving her house the other day, I couldn't deny that I missed her beautiful face and playful teasing.

Looking around I noticed a small napkin on the floor. The kind they had at the coffee shop. The kind Alex wrote her number on for me that I still had tucked away for memories. A small smile appeared on my face. At least she hadn't given up yet.

The note asked me to meet her at the park tomorrow at 7pm. Was this her endgame? Was I finally going to get a conclusion to all these notes and little gifts? I guess we will have to see.

I tucked myself away in bed with my mind running every possibility that could happen. All I could hope was that my favorite barista who I could not get off my mind would be there.

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