The return of vegeta

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Katsuki's pov

Man I can't believe I'm going to learn how to actually flying,Also goku told us that flying is only scratching the service of powers that we can obtain.and boy oh boy am I excited for that. also, I wonder if it'll affect my quirk in anyway, well only one way to find out.


As the boys entered to izuku's house they then straight away entered his room.

Goku: ok katsuki let me explain and show you how it's Done.

After goku explained everything to katsuki and shown him how to do it, katsuki soon followed his instructions. After several attempts of failure, something gets lit up in katsuki's hands.

Goku: wow! Unbelievable! it only took you about an hour to do this.goku said with an a surprised face.

Izuku: yeah me it took about half a day to do that!
Izuku said with a surprised face.

Katsuki:as you see izuku, you and I aren't made from the same cloth.
As he said with a cocky grin.

Goku:well guys I think it's time that we get to the real part of training

Time transition 10 years to the future.

Both of you are gonna fight against me now.

Izuku/katsuki: REALLY!?

Goku: yes of course, now come at me whenever you're ready.
While getting into his stance

Katsuki: now this is getting interesting

Izuku: WAIT!

As both katsuki and goku looked at izuku with confused faces.

Goku:what is it izuku?

Izuku:shouldn't we, like... not fight near a park?

Goku: oh right, Very well then let's head to the beach.

Time transition to them heading to the beach.

Goku: now are you ready?

Katsuki: hell yeah!


Goku:then begin!

As the three of them got into their stances, izuku and katsuki stared at goku, while goku stared at them.they were wearing casual outfits, while goku was wearing a blue shirt while above it was an orange gi, and he wore blue wrist bands and, metallic like shoes.when all of a sudden they hear someone coming towards them.that someone was non other than.

Goku/katsuki/izuku: vegeta!

Vegeta: yes it is I, yours truly.

Goku: where have you been man?

Vegeta:I had a lot of things to do at my father's hero I was very busy.

Izuku: well it's nice to have you back vegeta.

Vegeta: I'm glad to hear that. now then, shall we start this fight already?

Katsuki: I was about to ask you that as well.

Vegeta: well,well,well. It looks like you hadn't change a bit  since I last met you... explody boy.

Katsuki:back at'cha... sonic the hedgehog.

Vegeta:hmm, very well then shall we commence this battle. While getting to his stance.

Goku:well then, it shall be two on two.

As they got into their stances dead silence hit the area.than they begin by flying up high,goku goes to Deku while vegeta goes to katsuki.goku then threw a punch towards his chest, only for izuku to block and counter with an uppercut to goku's chin.goku then stumbles back a bit, but then is seen flying towards izuku again. Only this a little bit more serious this time,goku than teleports behind Deku to then give him a sledgehammer sending him  to the ground.before izuku hits the ground he appears in front of deku only to give him a kick that sends him back in the air, goku follows in pursuit after deku to  then send towards him a barrage of punches and kicks.meanwhile with vegeta and katsuki they seen to be on par dodging and blocking every punch they throw at each other. When all of a suddenly their fist clashed.

Vegeta:you've improved a bit bakugo.

Katsuki: back at you vegeta.

Vegeta: but it's still not enough.
He said that with a cocky grin

Katsuki: what the!

As vegeta begins to power up, as it leaves katsuki shocked how much vegeta improved in such a short time.

Vegeta: it's time to finish this katsuki!

Soon as he said that, his body emitted a purple aura

Katsuki: I'll take that challenge on!
He said as he begin to charge his own attack.

Vegeta: GALICK


A/N: BP=body piercing

As katsuki was charging an attack with a combination of his quirk:explosion, and his the power of their attacks they both stopped fighting and stared at awe.

Izuku:w-what are they doing? One of them can get really hurt from this! We have to do something
As deku said with a worried face.

Goku:there's no stoping them now izuku.
Goku said with an emotionless face.

As izuku grits his teeth

Vegeta:you'll never stop this attack katsuki!

Katsuki: yeah! We'll see about that!

They were charging their attacks and yelled.


As their blasts collided dust and debris flew everywhere around them .it would seem that their attacks are on par with each other .

Vegeta: if this is the best that can do than, you a have long way to go.

As vegeta started powering up, his attack completely destroyed katsuki's than hitting him and exploded on contact with him. Katsuki's unconscious body is then seen drooping to the floor with barely any clothes to cover his body.


As izuku flew to katsuki, goku flew to vegeta.

Goku: you know you could've ended that fight in another way right?

Vegeta: yeah I know. I just wanted to see how far he came. And I have to say he still has a long way to go.

Goku: I could say the same to izuku.

As the sparing match concluded, izuku and goku carried kacchan to his house. Explaining everything to katsuki's mother they said their goodbyes and went to their own home.

A/N: thank you all for reading and for your time. Have a great day


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