Are we clear about the situation

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[Vegeta's pov]

After the discussion I had with kakarot, I decided rather then going home I would take a stroll in the city. I still have memories about planet vegeta, but it's all so cloudy and fuzzy, and I can't remember them all so well. After all, I did spent most of my life in this planet. But I swear that one day somehow someway, I will have my revenge on frieza.

vegeta's thoughts had come to a close, as he realized that he was in front of katsuki's house.

A/N: the asterisk means that the characters are thinking.

Vegeta: *should I tell him person to person?*
As vegeta thought for a few seconds, he came to a conclusion. Hmph, I have nothing better to do.

As he went to knock on katsuki's house. After a few seconds his mother opened the door.

Mitsuki: oh vegeta! She said shocked. It's nice to see you again.

Vegeta: likewise. Is katsuki home?

Mitsuki: he's upstairs taking a shower. She then gestured with her arm for him to come in. Come, you can wait for him to get out in the living room.

Vegeta then accepts mitsuki's offer and comes inside their house. She then goes to katsuki.

[no one pov]

Mitsuki: KATSUKI! She shouts his name while she banged on the door of the bathroom.

Katsuki: WHAT DO YOU WANT YOU OLD HAG! He shouted so loudly even vegeta heard it from downstairs.


Katsuki: FINE THEN!

Meanwhile with vegeta.

Vegeta:*guess something's never change*

Mitsuki then came to vegeta again.

Mitsuki: he'll be with you in a couple minutes. Now in the meantime, do you want some tea?

Vegeta: sure, why not.

Mitsuki: green, or black?

Vegeta: I'll take black.

Mitsuki: how much sugar, do you want?

Vegeta: none.

Mitsuki: geez, you're one brave soul, I'll tell you that much. Anyway, I'll go make the tea, I'm sure katsuki will finish by then.

Vegeta: very well.

Mitsuki then headed to the kitchen to make some tea. After a short while katsuki finished showering, and came to see his guest.

Katsuki: well look who we have here. He said mockingly.

Vegeta: hmph, took you long enough.

Katsuki: it feels like a millennia since the last time you were here,What was so special this time?

Vegeta: I have something to tell you in private. He said seriously.

Katsuki: jeez, you don't have to sound so serious. What could be so important?

Vegeta: come. Vegeta then stood from the couch. We're going to your room.

Katsuki: whatever. He said while he rolled his eyes.

They then went upstairs to katsuki's room, and closed the door, so that nobody could hear them.

Katsuki: so what is it that you want to tell me? He then crossed his arms.

Vegeta then took a deep breath,and let out a sigh.
And he then explained everything to katsuki.

Katsuki: wait, so you're telling me that there is this guy who has hair like you, and he defeated goku in just one attack? AND he said that his master will eradicate the planet?

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